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I'm a little stuck, anyone near Sheffield that can help?

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Due to me owning my C for a week now i want to re-new most of the worn parts.


If anyone is around sheffield and wants a few hours helping me i need to change my brake disks, pads, blead system, change fuel filter(just tried it but cant get the bolts off) and to check my car over to see if everything is alright.

You'll get paid for your troubles.


I just dont want to have a go and get it wrong where as someone whos done it countless times before will know what to do!


If anyone can help I'd be very greatful!

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your b!tch for the day..?!


you're probably going the wrong way about getting help mate!

if you'd just said your stuck and need some help i'd bet a few people on here would help for free.


i'm sure it was just a joke, but still, this is your only reply.

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