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How big is the corrado forum?

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So which are the main corrado sites around and who is the biggest, this is me being a newbie and not knowning much about this forum, 'yet' ill add!


Does this site have stickers for windows?


I havent been on this site long but there are more then enough helpful people around and im loving the atmosphire this place has!


Plus ive just found out that 2 fellow c' owners work less then 30 seconds from my house!


Very small world!



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I think this and VWVortex are the biggest corrado forums on the net... So this is the biggest UK forum and could easily be the biggest club if it was turned into one.


There are stickers available, however I think they've all sold out

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As far as number of members go, I think it's vortex then here, but obviously this is the far superior forum :D


Vortex is US-based anyway, so a fair amount of what they have on there is unintelligible or non-applicable :) There are some seriously knowledgable guys on there if you can bear the rest of it tho.


This is certainly the biggest forum in the UK and possibly Europe as far as Corrado stuff goes and we do have a few (not many) members from other parts of Europe/US/Canada.


The Corrado Club of Canada are a great bunch of guys (been over to a couple of their meets now) and zarman's car is still the sexiest Corrado I've seen.

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However, talking in physical terms, the CF is exactly this big:



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