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german translation help!

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im looking at wheels on ebay.de,i sent a guy a question and got this reply:


Hi !


Der Versand liegt bei 50-70€ versichert  !

Bezahlen kannst Du sie

per Ãœberweisung auf mein Konto oder Du

schickst mir das Geld per Einschreiben zu,

da das nicht meine Felgen sind ! Kratzer und

Macken haben sie keine !


Gruß Heiko


i tried babelfish but i still dont understand it :?


what the hell does it mean,i asked about delivery cost to uk on four borbets.



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thanks m8,i thought there was someone on here that spoke a bit of ze german :lol:


just didnt wanna bug the guy as people are probably always asking him?



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are probably always asking him


Erm, wouldn't know :lol: I'll definitely get bugged in Osnabrück at Karmann, where I'll have to do a 4-hour marathon smultaneous translation session, as we're guided through the factory and museum :lol:




Postage is around the 50-70 Euros, insured.

Pay by bank transfer or international money order, they're not my alloys.

The alloys have no scratches or other marks.


That was easy ;-)


Tip: Don't do international money orders, do a bank transfer, Co-Op are cheapest at 8 Quid, other banks charge a lot more.



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thanks m8,really appreciated :D


70 euro's insured seems cheap! for four 9x16's :?


wonder if i could do a bank transfer through paypal?


anyway thanks again tempest 8)



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are probably always asking him


Erm, wouldn't know :lol: I'll definitely get bugged in Osnabrück at Karmann, where I'll have to do a 4-hour marathon smultaneous translation session, as we're guided through the factory and museum :lol:



rather you than me :lol:

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wonder if i could do a bank transfer through paypal?


Not a lot of Germans have Paypal yet, as Ebay have only recently introduced that in D, it's worth asking, though.





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Or the bit about postage: 50-70 Euros. How are you going to do an international bank transfer, then, not knowing the exact amount?


Other than that, just did the translation as requested ;-)



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the advert does say he's selling them for a mate,as far as i can understand anyway :lol:


im not sure really,ive been looking for a good while now as people have said they can be bought really cheap in germany but i never get much response etc...


dont know if theyre worth the hassle? :(


heres the link,bet some fluent german speaking person buys em now? :cry: :lol:



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I got my Borbets from Germany because the 17s are non-existent over here... You can get them cheaper, for definite - we only just missed out on getting a set of 7.5 and 9x16 Borbet Ts for £250 delivered... The trick is to go to ebay.de and find all the auctions that say they'll only ship to Germany, then email them and ask if they'll ship to the UK for the extra shipping cost... :D

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I am in the process of buying a set of BBS RCs from a Guy in germany, I am doing a bank transfer. The guy has sent me a contract and a copy of his ID card! before I send the money..which I thought was pretty good.


btw, can you just go into a co-op with cash to make the bank transfer or do you need an account?

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The trick is to go to ebay.de and find all the auctions that say they'll only ship to Germany, then email them and ask if they'll ship to the UK for the extra shipping cost... :D


thats what i keep trying to do but thats as far as i ever get :(


either no reply or they say they wont post out of germany.


really want some cheap borbet a's...



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cant believe i missed out on these :(


here,would have been perfect!!!!!1


got this message off the guy,just before the auction ended :?


Hallo,dass kann ich jetzt noch nicht sagen da müsste ich mich erstmal schlau machen inerhalb von Deutschland kostet es 60? vieleicht 100?ich weiss es nicht

MFG Domi

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Hallo,dass kann ich jetzt noch nicht sagen da müsste ich mich erstmal schlau machen inerhalb von Deutschland kostet es 60? vieleicht 100?ich weiss es nicht

MFG Domi


You need that translating?


heres the link,bet some fluent german speaking person buys em now?


Oooeeerr, 16s as well :-) Well, TBH, they're common as muck in Germany, as I've seen quite a few, and was initially taken by them, until I realised that I wanted something that's not common as muck in either D or GB (that's why I got rid of my BK299s :lol:). Carry on bidding :-) I won't get in the way :-)



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would be interesting to see what the guy said,i asked him the question and then he answers as the auctions ending :?


yep,i would like 9x16's all round with black centers if possible,although i could do that me self 8)


stuff what people think is common m8 :D


i think of it like,how often do you see a rado wearing borbet a's on the road?


think ill ask the guy if he uses paypal,its just quick and easy for me.


and maybe to try find out an exact postage cost?


im a little unsure to be honest...



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Hallo,dass kann ich jetzt noch nicht sagen da müsste ich mich erstmal schlau machen inerhalb von Deutschland kostet es 60? vieleicht 100?ich weiss es nicht

MFG Domi




"Hi, I can't say that yet, I'd have to find out first. It's 60 within Germany (I assume he means Euros ;-) ), possibly 100? I just don't know. Regards, Domi"


Domi? Dominique by any chance? There you go folks, we've got Doms alter ego :lol:

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just had this reply about the wheels...


Hi !


Ja ich kümmer mich noch um die genauen Versankosten !

Du kannst mir das Geld auch per Einschreiben mit der Post senden ,

da ich kein Pay Pal habe ! Habe schon öfter nach England verschickt und

es hat immer super geklappt ! Versand ist auch versichert !


Gruß heiko


:? :D

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^^^^ please? :D


last time asking i promise!


edit:i tell a lie :oops:


could the advert be double checked/translated?


im getting something about them needing re polishing? :?



Biete hier für einen Kumpel einen Satz Borbet A Alufelgen in der Größe 9x16 Et 15 , welche er auf seinem Corrado G60 gefahren hat !


Die Felgen haben den Lochkreis 4x100 und passen somit auf diverse Fahrzeuge wie Opel ,VW , Mazda, Audi , BMW mit dem selben LK !


Die Felgen wurden schon mal poliert, müssten aber nochmal nachpoliert werden , was ich gegen einen Aufpreis erledigen könnte !


Felgendeckel und Gutachten , ist natürlich auch mit dabei !


Abholung wäre erwünscht, kann aber nach Absprache auch versendet werden !



neil. :oops:

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Yeah, he says the rims have alredy been polished before, and that they need doing again, but that he can do it for a small surcharge...


It's a set of 9x16 Borbet A, ET 15, 4x100, previously fitted to a Corrado G60. He'd prefer collection, but shipping can be done by prior arrangement.


And the one above: he says he's still worried/unsure of the exact postage costs. You can sent money via Post Office transfer (not sure?) since he doesn't have PayPal. He sends stuff to England without a problem, and shipping is insured.


I think that's about the gist of it - unless Tempest wishes to add anything?

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thanks m8,appreciate it. 8)


got other problems now though,not looking like im gonna be able to go for any rims just yet :(


thanks again,neil.

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