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Petrol Price watch/Fuel Shortage

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It's true, these scroungers are knocking out kids like theres no tomorrow!

Well I guess, lounging round the house all day, watching day time t.v probably not a lot else to do!

And the people on planes, that really pi**es me off! they actually think there lives are so important they have to get up straight away, what the dip shi*s don't realise tho is everyone has to wait for there baggage anyway! haha.

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It's true, these scroungers are knocking out kids like theres no tomorrow!

Well I guess, lounging round the house all day, watching day time t.v probably not a lot else to do!

And the people on planes, that really pi**es me off! they actually think there lives are so important they have to get up straight away, what the dip shi*s don't realise tho is everyone has to wait for there baggage anyway! haha.


I know mate - its like getting on the bus, it ain't going nowhere until the last persons on.

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Yea thats another one! or the underground, you would of thought there is a prize of £1,000 by the way some of the people are so desperate to get on a carriage, even if it is rammed full of people, stingking of b.o. LOL

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woo-hoo! I got some fuel again! Filled her up last night and could drive to work again this morning... 8)


To be honest, getting the train to work hasn't been too bad over the last couple of days, it's quick, easy and works out fairly close price wise... the bit that's annoyed me is having to either get to work an hour early or 30 minutes late... :roll:


To those in the government: Get trains running more frequently and more people will use them! It ain't rocket science to be honest is it?!? :roll:

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I know, people will pay a fair price for the trains if they were on time and they knew what time it would arrive!

Don't know how much they cost up there, but if you want a weeks london travel card, zones 1-6, you are looking at about £40 a week! Still a lot less then running a C tho! LOL

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The trouble is that OUR railways were stolen by a previous government, and sold to a load of carpet-baggers.


So whatever government does to improve them is frustrated by dear-old market forces (i.e. looking after the interests of the shareholders before considering the overall national strategy).


Best wishes



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It's madness. I wouldn't mind so much if the extortionate amount of taxes and duty that we pay in fuel and road tax went towards re-purchasing the rail system and doing something useful with it.


Instead they go and put smegging bus lanes in - I don't mind taking a train (in fact, I quite enjoy it if it's something nice like one of the new Pendolinos) but I'm buggered if I'm going to sit on an old, rattly, exhaust-filled, uncomfortable bus that crawls along slower than I could drive.


The main problem is, all the government big-bods live in London, which has a pretty good transport system. How's about they come and live out where I do - 3 miles from the nearest train station and then it's an hourly train into London or Cambridge that is never on time. Then when you do get a train, it stinks, it's noisy, the seats are filthy and falling apart and it still costs £20 return to London (an hour or so journey).


What flippin' use is that to me if I don't have a means of getting to the train station? I could get a taxi, but it costs about a fiver. Or I could get the bus, which is only £2 I think, but it only runs during the rush hour...


So yeah, other than that, I'd take the train every time :lol:

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Don't virgin trains offer some good deals?

Yea, the filth is a major issue for me, especially London underground, it's quite fast but really horrible. Don't even bother in the summer. LOL

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It's all very well for tree huggers to tell everyone to use public transport but the last time I checked they don't run a bus service that stops at all the farms in my county that I need to visit, and I'm certainly not going to bike round the county !! :roll:

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The trouble is that OUR railways were stolen by a previous government, and sold to a load of carpet-baggers.


So whatever government does to improve them is frustrated by dear-old market forces (i.e. looking after the interests of the shareholders before considering the overall national strategy).


Best wishes




Amen to that. If you knew how many people that work in the industry are crying out for re-nationalisation.... The problem is that the Government haven't got the balls to do anything. Instead you've got a situation where the company that owns the infrastructure doesn't run the trains, and the people that run the trains don't OWN the trains (they're owned by 3 high street banks).

I won't even get started on the amount of contracting and sub-contracting that goes on....




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Then when you do get a train, it stinks, it's noisy, the seats are filthy and falling apart and it still costs £20 return to London (an hour or so journey).


Indeed, and the anti-car campaigners are trying entice car owners from heated leather luxury, to that?

Why would anyone want to stand on a cold platform, freezing their nads off, drinking £3 stale coffee waiting for an unpunctual rickety old pile of cack? I did it for 3 years and I'm soooooo glad I drive to work now.


And buses?! Most modern cars kick out a 100th of the pollution buses do....whopping great 10 litre diesels that do bugger all to the gallon, who are they trying to kid?


And once you're on said transport, you then have to endure my biggest personal aversion/pet hate/allergy.... being close to strangers and their noises & smells....I hate it.


I'd gladly pay £3 a litre to avoid that :-)

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Then when you do get a train, it stinks, it's noisy, the seats are filthy and falling apart and it still costs £20 return to London (an hour or so journey).




I'd gladly pay £3 a litre to avoid that :-)


Its comments like these which allows the government to think that they can justify charging people like us a huge premium to use our cars,,,


If the media were to get hold of more comments like that we soon would be paying £3 a litre, :cuckoo:

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I won't even get started on the amount of contracting and sub-contracting that goes on....


A frigging mess to use a technical term :lol:, but hey, what have the government got us dumb*ss taxpayers for :lol: To be able to financially afford non-working solutions to their own house-made problems. Ah well, must go into politics then, nice salary for constantly buggering up things :lol: Best of all, it isn't rocket science either.


Haven't been to any pump yet, as both my Roccos are fully loaded :-) the Rado is off the road for some more work again (itching fingers again :lol:), so not too worried about it all, as I simply walk into work every day :-) Then again, you wouldn't wnat to drive in Coventry, it's hell!


Tempest (Eric)

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Its comments like these which allows the government to think that they can justify charging people like us a huge premium to use our cars,,,


If the media were to get hold of more comments like that we soon would be paying £3 a litre, :cuckoo:


Oh for goodness sake man, tune into Reality FM :roll:


I was p1ssing about anyway....

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Its comments like these which allows the government to think that they can justify charging people like us a huge premium to use our cars,,,


If the media were to get hold of more comments like that we soon would be paying £3 a litre, :cuckoo:


Oh for goodness sake man, tune into Reality FM :roll:


I was p1ssing about anyway....


yeah i know you were, ya always are,, :wink:

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Well I filled up my 'rado today at the Shell station in Cambridge that I always try to fill up at, because it's about 4p a litre cheaper than anything nearer to home.


But in reply - yup, I love Virgin Trains - they're usually on time, they're new, clean, quiet, smooth, tidy and you even get a juice socket to plug your laptop/phone/mp3 player charger into 8) Then on top of all of that, they also do stonking advance ticket discounts.


The problem is, if I want to get anywhere from here, I have to get to the train station, then get the train into London, change to get to whichever station the train I want to go to is going...


It's mad, because if I want to go to Manchester (and I do go there quite a bit). I have to travel for 40 or so miles south to Tottenham Hale, go a few stops down the tube (eugh, now that's a horrible experience) to Euston, then go back up north again.


Otherwise I could take the more direct route going north straight away, but it would mean changing at least 5 times, sitting on crap trains and would take about 3hrs longer. Plus it would cost me more than the advance-booked ticket with Virgin.


But I'd still rather do that than sit on a motorway for a few hours. Anything longer than about an hour and I'd rather take the train thanks.

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Well Bigrims got it right,they reckon suppliesa re back on track and we should see a 3-4p drop in the next few weeks.

Grangemouth had 1 protester who was at the gate,everybody thought it was unfair just didnt want to do anything about it physically.

We had the airlines phoning us just incase the Jet-A1 was blocked at gatwick etc.

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dinkus, Cambridge - Peterborough - York/Leeds - Manchester. Super advance tickets, no travelling through London and GNER and Arriva are pretty good.

Anyone thinking of taking the train between Berwick & Edinburgh at weekends though, don't bother for the next month as you'll have to get a bus...

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Well, the last laugh seems to be on the hoarders; supplies are almost back to normal and the price is coming down thanks to a price-war between the supermarkets. Actually it will probably lead to the closure of even more small filling stations, unfortunately, as they can't survive on the cut-throat margins,or even dumping, that the supermarkets can for a while. Here in St.Albans the supermarkets have just about destroyed all opposition.


Best wishes



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