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Urgent help needed from Automatic VR6 Owners (manchester)

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my car is at an auto transmission centre in manchester getting repaired, however, we think the auto ECU may be faulty, at £400+ quid, i cant chance buying one if it is not that, does anyone live near manchester, and have an auto VR6, that the garage could 'borrow' the ECU off for an hour to test my car, help would be gratefully appreciated


please email me or contact 07711 388042


many thanks Caroline


or if anyone knows where there is an auto corrado VR6 being broken, and someone can sell me an Auto ECU, cheap as poss please because this car has already broken the bank!

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Sometimes these pop up on ebay and are quite cheap as they dont shift too quickly. Have a look you may be fortunate. Good luck.

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The car has had the auto transmission in bits, the place fixing it is the auto gearbox company in middleton, they have replaced the 3rd and 4th clutch, and the seals on the pump in the gearbox, however, on test the gearbox is now flaring between gears, and the fault code is TPS Sensor, and no electronic connection, Engine to gearbox, i have changed the TPS twice, so that is definately ok, and the gearbox centre think the only other thing it could be is the AUTO ECU, as they have tried another one, but not from a Corrado, which stopped these fault codes appearing, they now need to try a Corrado one to be sure, as the part is so expensive, i cannot afford a new one to find out it is not that which has gone


thanks caroline

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All four ECUs on ETKA are listed as being Corrado only. Not to say that a Golf or other VR autobox ECU wouldn't do the job.

Pages attached. The ECU is chassis number dependant.


Like I said I am no autobox expert, I have access to ETKA but thats about it. My Bentley is on loan maybe someone else can have a read up for you.


If an ECU other than a direct replacement were fitted, I would expect things like shift points to be different.



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I think the main difference in early and late is that the early Corrado has sport/normal shift control where as the later ones adapt as you go to you driving. That will change wiring into the ECU.


There are three standards:

1988 - 1990

1991 - 1994

Oct 1994 - 1995


May be wise to get hold of the correct ECU for the relevant year. A variant for the period should be an alternative (ie. the letter codes at the end of the part number) but mixing say a 1989 into a 1995 may have problems etc.



The Golf suggestion would also have to follow these rules of car v year.




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Cheers Gavin


From your downloads, mine is defianately the latest one, part number 096 927 733BF, although the one fitted in the car is 096 927 733AN, which i believe has now been superseeded, however, if i could get the AN one second hand that might help as apparently they rarely fail, the fault codes the car is showing are 00518 Throttle Valve Pretentionmeter, and 00638 Engine/Gearbox, Electrical Connection, No Signal, dont think these are VW codes tho, have replaced the Throttle Valve Pretentionmeter twice, so it cant possibly be wrong, car gives the same fault code with either sensor fitted!, on fitting a Golf Auto ECU, and clearing the fault codes, these codes go, but new ones come up as the shift pattern of the gearbox is altered.


My car is one of the ones which automatically selects sport or economy mode from the way the car is driven


Any help greatly appreciated, car has been in Manchester for nearly a month now, not only am i without my beloved Corrado, but the pockets over £1200 quid lighter, without the price of a new ECU! have place an ad in the parts wanted section for a second hand one!

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Dont mean to make you feel more depressed but i guess you could have got a manual all done and dusted for that (or thereabouts). Have a look at teh website http://www.europeantransmissions.com for some details on the 096 box - or get your mechanic to have a look, some useful info related to those error codes.

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Those codes are VW I think. Only guessing but if it is saying no signal from the TPS and you have replaced the TPS then it has got to be the wiring in between.


Not sure about the 00638. It could be a plug not connected or come adrift somewhere??


Maybe RW1 will be along and enlighten us. Might be worth PMing him.



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It is important to sort out 00638 first in the autobox ECU memory. This is usually wiring and connections in the plugs. You are looking for an open circuit or short (damaged wire) or broken wire. The wires in question run from the autobox ecu to engine ecu.


Given a later ecu worked, then the wiring is almost certainly OK and it points to the Autobox ecu being duff itself. So I think the guys in Middleton have a good grip of the fault area.


A spare ECU I would have gone to Awesome GTI at Irlam but when I looked at their website last night, in moving to new premises, they seemed to have dropped the secondhand stuff. Still worth a call though as they might know somewhere. Another place is the yard down near Chester - Darren?? Does a lot of chrome bits on EBAY.


The 00518 is associated with 00638 in the autobox and may go if the ECU starts talking which I think is what Solitaire has said. This because from 1993 the throttle signal comes via the engine ecu, not direct from TPS to autobox ECU. So wires in the link between the two would need to be broken or one of the two ecu's is not talking. So given the later one "sees" the engine ECU, it again looks like the original Corrado Autobox ECU has an internal fault. The TPS is a secondary rogue fault in this case otherwise the engine ECU would report the TPS fault as well (00518).


It all looks like the interface section of the autobox ecu which interfaces with the engine ecu has gone walkies.




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Cheers Guys, thanks for all the help, i have been offered a secondhand ECU today, whose part number matchs mine, it comes from a 95 VR6, so seeing RW1's reply, have decided to purchase and give it a go, keep fingers crossed, hopefully nothing else will go wrong! will let you all know how i get on incase anyone else has a similar problem in the future


Fla, am sure i will be glad i kept the auto once i get her back working again, but the thought had crossed my mind!

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Hi Caroline


I have sent you an email with a list of the auto gearbox fault codes/causes if you don't receive them let me know.



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Thanks for everyones help, the car is finally running perfectly, special thanks to andyvlw for the fault codes, RW1, 'THEAUTOMATICGEARBOXCOMPANY' in Middleton Manchester, and John Roberts Motor Services in Llay, Nr Wrexham North Wales, if anyone is after a VW Specialist in this area, these are the guys to see. For future reference, The Auto ECU was knackered!!! worth a go if you've tried everything else, tho apparently it is extremely rare for these to go


regards, Caroline

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Good to hear you got a good result Caroline. I still like the auto box, maybe because I'm just getting lazy now!

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