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Bailiff :(

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Ive just had a note put through my door from a Bailiff :( It says that they want to remove my car for unpaid council tax. Problem is that the person named on the note isn’t me (or my G/F) and this isn’t the address on the note either :lol:


So I rang the Mr Russell and he just asked how long Id lived here and if I knew this person, which I dont. All he would say was dont worry about it :x


I dont want to come out one morning to find my car on the back of a flatbed :x but im sure they cant remove my car as its in my name and not the person they are after. Can someone confirm that so I can sleep tonight :lol:

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Jesus.. thats a bit confusing? Maybe they've had someone out the front of your house and watched you get in and out of the car and assumed you are them?

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thats a bit odd, if the cars in your name i dont see how they could possibly confiscate it because this 'caroline' hasnt paid her council tax!

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The V5 and insurance docs have my name on them so Ill show them if they come round :roll:

This guy didnt knock on the door just put the note through the letter box !!!

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Debt collecting is ridiculous at the minute, my Dads partner a few weeks ago received a letter saying she owed £165 to someone in her name when she phoned the number on the letter to find out what was going on they said they had sent it to everyone in the country with the same name because they couldnt locate the person hoping that someone would own up to the debt and pay it

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humm, debt collection without a registered office listed on the note, no landline number and only an 07977 number as contact... :|


Me? I'd be straight down to citizens advice and then probably onto the cop-shop as I'm of the opinion that's a con... ;)


They cannot take your car if it's not registered in the name that they have on their debtors list, if they do it's plain old theft which you just need to call the police about...

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Yeah I was going to say it looks suspect, give the council tax office a ring too as they will know if there is any outstanding debt on your address. They should also know but may not tell you if they have employed baliffs to collect it.


Defo get onto the cops about it as this will work out as illegal however you look at it.


They probably expect people to pay up without too many questions hence your 'don't worry about it'

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Ive called Kirklees Council and they have this person on their file as not paying council tax on the Goldington Ave address, and that they have given this address as their new house.

So it all looks like this guy does work for them and someone is just trying to hide using us :x


Were moving out next Thursday as this house is to small so next week ill have a garage again :D :D

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only time they could take the vehicle for debts not belonging to you are for outstanding payment of the car i.e finance.


as far as i know anyway

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i don't trust these debt collection people.....take now, ask questions later seems to be their moto!

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