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Corrado article in evo..

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i've just got my hands on the 15th issue of evo with there buying guide on the VR6 :D


makes a good read and they only have very good things to say about the car.

"i wouldn't share this information with just anbody, You're smart enough to buy evo so you can be trusted. The rest of this buying guide is just a smoke screen to deflect interest away from the corrado".


they include a TVR S3, Clio Williams and Porsche 944 Turbo, the porker beets it to the winning posts but only from what i can see is because of the extra 50 horses it packs to be honest.


The VR they use for the photo's is silver with the reg. L183 RWV anyones on here :?:

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would be very happy too if i had a scanner, i'll chuck it in the car and bring it up to stealth on the 27th for people who wanna have a flick 8)

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Hm.. looks like i'll be off to buy Evo then.. access to a £1000 A3 scanner at work comes in handy sometimes :D

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jim - it's not in this months, it's from january 2000 issue but would be happy to lend it to you so you can read/scan it if people wanted to have a read.....

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If you wanna post it to me, i'll happily do the scanning and post it back to you?


Just lemme know.

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Ah yeah I remember the "smoke screen" comment and also the write-up. Who did the right up, Jethro Bovingdon? I think he uses that phrase quite a lot.


I was into Golfs at the time and didn't bother reading it, LOL!


I didn't think they went back as far as issue 15, might order it myself then.

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I scanned in 3 full 6-8 pager VR6 articles from the mid 90's- some crackers in there as well- Just waitin on Andi who's gonna put them in the fast purple section (tactical nudge to Andi who I think may have forgot :) )


If anyone wants them emailing- just send us a PM as they are all zipped up & ready to send



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kev- i got mine from ebay as i'm prietty sure they've totally sold out of this issue, it was john barker who put it forward and yeah it is a good atricle. i have been keeping an eye on ebay for ages for one to come up and finally this one did.....


jim what i'll do is just bring it down to stealth, so i'm afraid Dr Forinor you will just have to wait till then buddy.....

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According to the RAC vehicle check there's no vehicle registered under L183 RWV. So unless it's got a private 'plate there's a good chance it's history :(

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jim what i'll do is just bring it down to stealth, so i'm afraid Dr Forinor you will just have to wait till teh buddy.....


Unfortunately, I wont be going to Stealth, so I guess I'll have to hold out till someone posts it, or try and find myself a copy on eBay.


Thanks anyway

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i'll just leave it with jim so he can scan it in when he has time, i'm just a bit crazy with moving house to think about posting mags at the mo, so you will get to read it :D


bc student- would be a shame if it's been written off but it does happen, i'm prietty sure my first vr k330 fec has been written off but i can't be sure.

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I think Roddy has a good collection of Corrado v XYZ tests.... including the 1993 Autocar with a Mulberry VR versus a BMW 325i (E36 24V).

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I think Roddy has a good collection of Corrado v XYZ tests.... including the 1993 Autocar with a Mulberry VR versus a BMW 325i (E36 24V).



i certainly have :D ....only thing is ive justy moved house and my mags are literally everywhere :roll: :twisted: .............but i know for sure that i have that EVO "best buys for £10k" issue

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thats this article, 10 grand buying it guide!!!



yeah thats what i'm meaning when i say.........."i know for sure that i have that EVO mag" :wink:.......and from memory the 944 Turbo wins down to the keys on the table factor

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