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qucik question RE Tax

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ok, my friend has recentl declard SORN on her car, she now need to get it taxed as she has now passe dher test and needs to get it taxed, what do we need to do to sort it out?

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Just go to the Post Office or DVLA office and use a form V10. They keep them on the shelf.


If you need to MoT it you can drive the car to & from the test station providing you have a formal appointment arranged beforehand.


And also as usual valid car insurance has to be presented at the counter along with the MoT.


And of course, money to pay for it.


May be wise to take the logbook as well given it's not a renewal notice of an existing tax disc.


Simple as that.


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bristolbaron, if it's booked in it's legal to drive it as long as you go directly to the testing station... so, in theory, you can book a car in to a garage at Lands End, and drive it from John'O'Groats as long as you don't stop off anywhere during the journey... I wouldn't like to try that, but the law is on your side for driving without tax...


Be careful that the car is almost certain to pass the MOT though, as driving a vehicle that's not roadworthy WILL land you in deep do-do be it taxed or not taxed if you're on the way to an MOT or not... :|

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bristolbaron, if it's booked in it's legal to drive it as long as you go directly to the testing station... so, in theory, you can book a car in to a garage at Lands End, and drive it from John'O'Groats as long as you don't stop off anywhere during the journey... I wouldn't like to try that, but the law is on your side for driving without tax...


Be careful that the car is almost certain to pass the MOT though, as driving a vehicle that's not roadworthy WILL land you in deep do-do be it taxed or not taxed if you're on the way to an MOT or not... :|


Correct, and in the past I've also informed the garrage about the scenario; so that when he gets a call off plod, he knows to say its booked. All you need to give is your Reg.

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Henny, I think Lands End distances may just raise an eyebrow or two. :) Upto 10 miles. Point being why 100 miles when there may be several MoT Test Stations were on the way. "u see it was like this m'lord, my treasured baby I give only the best and.... ".


And yes, an obviously unsafe car on the road would be an issue as sensibility comes into it that it should have been transported (not towed). Corrado's might be sound vehicles still but could you find it acceptable with a rusty old Ford Transit with dodgy steering, leaking fuel, smoking like hell and no brakes in front of you on the road. Ermmmm...........


Anyway BB, why 100 miles?



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They don't use the V10's anymore. I found out after I had filled one in at my Post Office when I got to the counter. They do like to have the SORN notification as you should get a letter through the post confirming it when you originally reply.


If you need an MOT you will need to prebook as already mentioned and the car must be insured for the journey to clarify that one.


RW1 the law is more than a bit vague on how far you can go to a testing station. I think you would have a hard time justifying going more than 50 miles but you could easily say that this was the nearest MOT station that had an available appointment at short notice etc. Comes down to the plod on the day; assuming they even stop you.

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They don't use the V10's anymore.


Oh. May be it's changed since 30th April this year when I did it last to get a tax disc on a SORN'd car. Did take the whole lot down to the PO you mention. Maybe the counter staff didn't know what they are doing. Got the tax disc though! No worries, not doing again until next year. Procedures will no doubt change again!!



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Yeah I went in a unsorned my rado just prior to BVF (day before)and was told 'We don't need those anymore'


Mind you its probably as much a classic case of left hand right hand..

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Anyway BB, why 100 miles?




im concidering buying a 2nd corrado, but its in luton, and has no tax/mot. would be a real pain to have to find somewhere there to do it, and wait around for the results.

i have considered getting it flatbedded to bristol, but dont know of anyone that would do it cheap!

its really annoying, because its the only thing stopping me. only fault i know of with the car is the cooling fan does not come on automaticly.

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wire the fan straight onto the battery... you'll need 2 male spade terminals and 2 lengths of wire... it'll take you 2 mins to do it (this is how mine's currently wired in :oops: ) and will at least get you home...


The only other way I can see to do it is to hire a car transporter van for the day and drive down to pick it up that way... :|


If you DO go and get it and decide to drive it back, take the tax disk out of your current car, at least that way it'll look like it's taxed, and as long as you get an MOT and tax disk PDQ after getting it home... ;)

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If you DO go and get it and decide to drive it back, take the tax disk out of your current car, at least that way it'll look like it's taxed, and as long as you get an MOT and tax disk PDQ after getting it home...


Providing you avoid the triple lined up Tax Cameras on the m-ways!




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Problem is, the day you do that is the day you get nailed. Its never worth the risk.


I've only ever sneaked 1 month free of tax before it all got computerised simply because I was flat broke. Thankfully never got caught out.

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Problem is, the day you do that is the day you get nailed. Its never worth the risk.


I've only ever sneaked 1 month free of tax before it all got computerised simply because I was flat broke. Thankfully never got caught out.



i used to do the same,if i was paid the week after the tax was due id get it then,but you cant do it anymore :(

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Gettin caught with the wrong tax disc in the car is worse than no tax at all. My advice is take your plates AND tax disc :mrgreen: There not likely to check the VIN :wink:

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h100vw, have been doing a bit of investigation, and found that using plates and disc carries 10 years for fraud! I'm not the type to take risks, so looks like ill be getting it trailered, have found someone to do it for £100.

now just gotta make up my mind if i want it!

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I got my Black syncro home, with the aid of my Black GL. Well to be truthful, I got it halfway home before the RAC became involved. :cry:


What about using a towing dolly?



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£100. Thats not a bad deal BB and a lot less than the fines.


Towing may be as bad as driving it. Shady area that as it's on the road.



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OK, had to put two SORNs in today. Reading the back page, quote section 3 ……


You can relicense the vehicle using this form (SORN – Form V11 [tax reminder renewal]) if:



The vehicle keeper’s name is correctly printed on the form.


You wish the license to run from the date shown.


The taxation class is still correct for your use of the vehicle


The details shown for the vehicle itself are correct



If any of the above details have changed you must relicense the vehicle using form V10 and your V5 (logbook)…….


So, two views here are OK. But to answer Dub_nut_G60's original query, it’s a V10 plus V5 with MoT, insurance and license fee. This because point two above has a break in continuous road tax by it being on a SORN. It’s no hassle. The V10 is just a short form of about 10 details, all easy.


But also the other view is correct in that you can use the V11 – SORN reminder (with MoT, insurance & tax fee) providing it’s an renewal of the road tax disc and there has been no break in the road tax. ie. SORN’d or tax has lapsed (that will need explaining as it should have been SORN’d).




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You can be fined for not sorning a car unless it was off the road prior to when sorn came in and has not been back on the road since.


Your right to go with the transporter Baz, luton is a ibt far to get away with a drive back.

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