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Squilling / Squirting Noise when ignition is on

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Hi all, wot a great forum !!


Ive recently bought my dream car, a vr6 and theres a squirting noise when i switch the ignition on. It sounds like fluid is being pushed somewhere and only just managing to get thru.


Does the Water Pump or fuel pump come in to action as soon as you switch on ignition ?


ThnX in Advance



OOps, just noticed i should of posted this in the probs section.

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The Fuel Pump come on, and if you dont start it it should go off again after a few seconds.


The VR does have an aux electric water pump and i think that turns on too.


And i've moved this thread :lol:

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Thnx Jet


Im losing a bit of water aswell, so maybe i have a problem with my water pump.


Could u plz tell me where the water pump is positioned.



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Dont have a VR so someone else bet give you advice on that one.


i personally would try changing the water tank cap first, cos the seal may have gone.

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VRSeX, the water pump is situated under the spark plug lead holders to the right of the block. Im sure someone on here will take a pic for you if you get stuck

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theres a squirting noise when i switch the ignition on. It sounds like fluid is being pushed somewhere and only just managing to get thru


The one that tends to go is to the rear of the coil pack ( look for the 2 x 3 spark plug lead origin). Its not easy to diagnose it if you cant feel it being wet. I suggest you put plastic bags on top of your alarm siren, the ECU, the steering bottle and the brake reservoir, and then slowly wash the engine bay with hot (not steaming) water. After its all clean, run the car around for a few days. If there is a water leak you will see (i) a drop in cold water level in the reservoir, and (ii) white marks where the water has leaked and overspilt onto other engine parts. the white marks are a great way of chasing it back to the source.

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The squishing noise is the aux water pump circulating coolant and the odd bubble around.





P.s. This is a good noise, worry when it stops!

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VRSeX,Chris VR6nos is rite, mine does it. You can even here it more when you lift the hood!


If you say is buchered then obviously replace it.

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If it turns out that the water pump has had it, wot size chunk would it take out of this months wages ?



right the VW price for the "main" water pump is a not too dear £30-ish plus VAT(021121004X)........though VW quote about 2-3 hours for doing the job


now the Auxilary coolant pump is a non too cheap £110-ish +VAT........though should only take about an hour to remove and refit.....mine started leaking about a year ago and was luckily replaced under the warranty that i had

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