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ET and suspension?

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Ho Ho Ho! Merry Crimbo! :lol:


Right, I have fitted 17x7 Kosei rims and lowered the car by 40mm on Weitec GT kit.

2 probs though.

Firstly, the original aloys were et43 and the new ones are et35. The new rims rub on the front brake calipers. Should I fit 8mm spacers? I have put 5mm on for now. Does et35 + 8mm = et43?? What effect will different et have on my steering and suspension.


Also, now that the new suspension is on the car it drives mint but when accelerating or braking hard I get some steering wheel wobble! Any ideas what this could be??


Thanks for any help. :)


ps. Tried to attach a picture but couldn't, any tips?

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Have you got some rings fitted in the wheels, to make them sit right on the hubs. I forget the diameter but it is important that the centre bore of the wheel is the right dimension. After that are they done up tight? Have they been balanced?


Could be knackered wishbone bushes too. Usually the rear one.



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Yeah there are rings fitted and they are all done up tight too.

I've checked the bushes but no real sign of probs.

The cars only done 65k.

Thanks anyway!

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Get 10mm spacers coz if you do decide to go a lil lower or maybe even at that height it will prob rub on full lock

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ET35 plus 8mm spavers equals ET27, the catching can be more to do with wheel design than ET.

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Yes but as I say it can be caused by wheel design plus your original rimms are 6.5 wide.

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So how does all this effect the steering and handling.??

Anyone else had similar issues with their vr??

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