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Insurance dilemma,

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I have two options and could do with your help please....


I have my renewal coming up and not sure what would benifit me best..


Option One

TPFT - £545, Excess of £250

But if i have an own fault accident then my own car doesnt get fixed.


Option Two

Fully Comp - £730, Excess of £500

But if i have an own fault accident then ill have to pay the first £500, which i dont have anyway what so ever, plus if my car is more then £500 damaged surely it'll be right-off?



Please help me as i'm not sure what to do!



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either way then if you don't have the £500XS to fix it best just going TPF&T


it'll probably be written off at approx £1500 tho probably less these days

as long as you don't have finance on it then TPF&T is the one to go for its simply not worth claiming on FC if the damage came to £600 etc

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