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County Court Claim Filed -Urgent Help Needed

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OK, on the 4th of July 2005 I was on the ring road in Oxford where I come to a roundabout, I am going straight over this roundabout (duel Lane) when an idiot in a golf in the wrong lane is going all around the roundabout in the outside lane to go over to the right.


I had to slam on the brakes turn the car away from the direction I was going and luckily for him only hit his wing and done my wing in.


Ok so I wasnt happy and expected it to go to a 50/50 scenario even though I knew it was his fault. It eventually got settled as a 50/50 even though I disputed this all the way through.


Now today I arrive home to find he has filed a Claim Form for 1460.07 against me stating it was my fault for not seeing him and suddenly changing lanes, he has put down 1821.25 for Car Hire (now excuse me for a wing and car that was still driveable nps) 300 policy excess, and then 8% interest. I have got no idea how this amounts to 1460.07 but that aside I need to know what the hell I do.


The best bit is this, as we were on a roundabout we both moved over away from the scene to talk about Insurance companies etc so I have no witnesses, whereas he had a best mate in the car.


I have 14 days to reply, my insurance company is closed this evening and I need to know if anyone has been in the same position.


Can I get my insurance company to deal with this if I have Legal Cover?


If not who else can help me? Would consulting Citizen Advice Burea help?


Any advise is glady welcome.

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The best bit is this, as we were on a roundabout we both moved over away from the scene to talk about Insurance companies etc so I have no witnesses, whereas he had a best mate in the car.



You can't be a witness in a scenario such as this if you know anyone involved personaly (( i.e , his mate in the car with him was technically involved so can't act as a witness ))




As far as I know..

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Yep, just rang insurance company and confirmed I have Legal cover but that department is closed and spoken to Pappa Pearce the old man of wisdom who said the same as you Walesy

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Make sure you keep pushing the solicitors assigned to your case. The legal protection solicitors assigned to me after my motorcycle accident in November couldn't even be bothered to call me despite three reminders in a five week period. My sister has had similarly bad experiences with solicitors assigned under the policy legal protection.

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My wife had a similar situation that arose 18 months after the incident in which she was involved... their witness turned out to be his wife, and he changed his story completely from when he the accident occured to when he filed the claim (he said she was reversing out of the drive, but he hit her front wing (go figure!))


The insurance company just told him to get lost basically, and dealt with it all her for.


(Slightly off on a tangent, but the girl who we spoke to at the insurance company which was down on the south coast I used to go to school with and lived 5 doors away when she lived up here in Leicestershire...!)

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what a wanker! steve like the others say get yr insurance companies legal team to get there fingers out of there rears & sort it out!!!


facking joke!!

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Send the correspondance, unanswered, to your insurer. Do the same with anything relating to this incident you recieve in the future (this may not be the only communication you recieve).


And don't worry about it anymore, any and all liablility pertaining to you has already been accepted by your insurance company :)

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Sorry to hear that, I live in Oxford too and the amount of stupid people that go all the way round the round abouts in the outside lane is unbelievable. I almost see evidence of an accident every day on that ring road! Surprised they haven't done anything about it - I think more traffic lights are required.


I found it safer to drive in London to be honest!


Friend of mine has been hit twice in 6 months at the Botley interchange - once with his pregnant partner in the passenger seat.


Best of luck, hope you get it sorted out! How does that guys sleep at night, what a loser!

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sorry to hear that mate. i can confirm what someone said earlier though - the 'witness' in his car is useless. his and his witness' evidence together, carry exactly the same weight as your evidence alone. can't remember the legal term, but it's true.


PS. i'm sure i was walking through oxford that day. maybe i could just happen to stumble across this story on a public forum and come forward as a witness ;)

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Don't worry mate, you wont have to pay a penny. I had a similar thing and it kept me up at nights worrying about it. My father in law is a solicitor and he told me not to worry explained it all. Your insurance company will sort it, that's why we pay them.


If you dispute it however you'll need to see your solicitor and you will probably have to go to court.

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Been in the same situ mate (stupid b1tch in a Ford Ka). The advice above is sound, post all correspondance to your insurers after you speak to them, then forget about it. Just make sure your no claims bonus is not affected by the actions of your insurers..


Have a cold beer and chill dude, your car is fixed, your not hurt and this cock end will no doubt burn in hell when his miserable existance on this lump of rock ceases :)

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Thanks for all your advice guys, the claim form is indeed in the hands of my legal team sent recorded delivery, faxed and photocopied (all blank).


My stress level is back to overfilling rather than flooding out.

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