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weird electrics

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hi ppl, yet another prob with my vr6 rado. 2 mornings in a row i have started my car and turned the headlights on, i noticed that the speedo lights etc, looked rather dull and also my headlights. after anything frm 1-5 mins, all of a sudden all the lights are back to there usual brightness and stay that way. i fitted a new battery a few weeks back and iv never had a prob with it. i have no idea what could be causing this. also the battery light does not come on when the lights are in "dull mode" lol

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yeah, the brightness switch is on full. i found jst now when i went to fuel my car up that the lights wer the same on startup, dull, if i give the car a decent rev they go bright as they should be and then its fine ???? im thinking some kind of alternator prob but the batt light dnt come on and theres no belt slippage or noise from the alternator

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Check for a bad connection in the thin blue cable that supplies the alternator with its excitation current. I'm clutching at straws here but it's the only thing I can think of that would kick the alternator into life. Saying that, if the connection is broken the charging light should be lit in the clocks.


I can only suggest checking the battery voltage after the car has been started if the lights are dim. That will at least tell you if it's a charging-related problem.

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Sometimes, if the bushes go on your alternator, it'll think there's no need to charge when there really is, so it won't charge, everything will be dull, and it won't show the batt light.


Might be worth checking out, bushes are easy to do yourself and only cost around £15 if your willing to get your hands dirty.

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