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Bodge Jobs

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Alright guys, just spent a day working on the rado sorting out my rainwater puddle in the passenger footwell.

In the process, I've found that my car has been at the hands of a serial bodger. one of the previous owners loved his gaffa tape a bit much.

i've got patched up heater pipes with gaffa, a cling film door membrain stuck on with gaffa.

That and my foliage cover seemed to have been wedged on/off with some sort of screwdriver/knife/axe contraption :mad: New one of them, then!


Anyway, it got me thinking. I bet some of you lot have found (or done :( ) some classic bodge jobs in the past.

What you got?

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It's usually the wiring that gets bodged as those bodgers who have a rough idea of turny-pully-grindy-thumpy stuff are often a bit clueless on the sparky side of things... :roll: see my previous rant on Scotchloks... :lol:


btw, what was the cause of your footwell flood? feel free to PM me to keep the thread clean...

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oh yeah, i forgot to mention my wiring. more gaffa there too!

fingers crossed, it was the blower fan inlet cover under the scuttle panel. the gasket was hard as nails and it'd been snapped at one of the clips, again using a screwdriver or something.

Either that or the door membrain, which i've also replaced.

i've pulled the carpet and rotten, smelly underlay out, and i've stuck a dehumidifier in there with an electric heater to dry it out.

Just waiting for it to rain now to find out for sure.


Dunno what it is with some people. my bug is even worse, everything looks like they started welding up with good intentions, but then sacked it halfway and bunged a load of filler on instead! nice when you're grinding off old welds and get an unexpected breath full of filler! :crazyeyes:

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The two I have - everything possible broken in order to replace or fit other stuff, why put the original screw back in when an oversize flatheaded one will do.




Carpet+cable ties


Front disc retaining screw sheared off, bah leave it and just fit the wheel back on with impractical torque on the bolts instead.


Stalks faulty leaving the washers and wipers on all the time? - pull the fuse and hope it doesn't rain.


Rear washer not working? Loose pipe explain the wet carpet in the boot perhaps?


etc etc etc... :silly:

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Gaffer tape on cracked fuel pump housing - on my mk2 when i bought it.


Bicycle puncture repair patch on water hose (My bestest idea yet?!) :lol:

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I have read stories about people using bolts for fuses. Some people shouldn't be allowed near cars.

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I have read stories about people using bolts for fuses. Some people shouldn't be allowed near cars.


WTF? you being serious?


so how would you explain to the insurance company your car has just been doused by the fire brigade due to an electrical fault in the bolt bay er i mean fuse bay??

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G60 Dave'll be along shortly...


As if by magic!!! :fadein:


If you don't know by now, I ain't tellin! :-P


(Still think mines the best...worst...most expensive though!!!)

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Currently have a bit of copper pipe as a heater hose , proper job I tell thee


nothing wrong with copper pipe. Costs less than a vag hose and prob lasts longer.

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