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Changing Lock Barrel on Door Handle

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Bought a replacement door handle yesterday.


I want to swap the lock barrel from my old lock over.

However, I can't for the life of me see how to remove the barrel.


Can anyone help??

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There is a little 'C' clip that you need to pop off and then the barrel should slide out.

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There is a little 'C' clip that you need to pop off and then the barrel should slide out.


I've never done one on a C before, but on other VWs you have to have the key in the barrel after you've taken the clip off so that the tumblers will alow the barrel out of the old handle... 8)

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if u insert thge key into the barrel b4 removing the circlip it seems to hold it all together better. also watch out 4 the small white central locking switch and springy bits coming loose. i dismantled mine in a transparrant plastic bag just in case. refitting is the reverse......piece of piss :lol:

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on my third corrado door handle in three years now-nitemare!first1 i could change the barrel but the second wouldnt fit for some reason-it stuck out a bit too far!!having to get in from passenger side at mo-3rd one on order now-hope it will change!defo leave the key in or else u`ll have nitemare trying to put all them little bits back together

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I didn't have the key in either the new barrel or in the old barrel and I had no problem at all, hence my advice above omitting this little detail.


Guess I may have just been lucky/careful (not saying that others weren't careful).

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on my third corrado door handle in three years now-nitemare!first1 i could change the barrel but the second wouldnt fit for some reason-it stuck out a bit too far!!having to get in from passenger side at mo-3rd one on order now-hope it will change!defo leave the key in or else u`ll have nitemare trying to put all them little bits back together


3rd door handle??? How do you open your doors? Do you just grab the main handle and yank it open (like my girlfriend does :x ) or do you do what I do and that is to gently caress the handle, whispering sweet nothings into the keyhole and praying it stays together? Nah, seriously, I rest my thumb on the lock barrel part and gently open the handle with two fingers. This way you can feel if something is about to pop, unlike the first and brutal method.


The only problem I've had with C door handles is a C clip falling off the back of a lock barrel and that and the barrel dropping inside the door. Nice one :roll:



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My driver's side handle went last year (while I was in North Yorkshire, of course, only 5 hours drive from home). Within a day of that being fixed (and suddenly realising how BAD the passenger side handle was too, I got some light oil (just that spray stuff from Halfords) and lubricated the handle mechanism. The bit that gets really stiff appears to be the bit of the lock in the door jam, as opposed to the handle itself.


Here's what I did:


Open the door, prise the plastic cover off the lock mechanism that is now exposed, and liberally spray oil into the moving parts that are visible. You'll notice a HUGE difference (or at least I did) in the movement of the handle, and mine has now lasted a further 8-9 months (touch wood) and still feels easy to move.


You'll need to re-do this every so often, particularly if you're using very light oil (like I am), but it's gotta be better than the pain of fitting new door handles... (Not an easy job.)


My 2p. :)

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