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offset front wheels!

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Go outside and look at your front wheels.... is one flush with the wheel arch and the other one about 50mm inside it? Is this why mine pulls to one side? If the answers is yes to these, shouldnt my local VAG 'experts' have pointed this out to me and if they shouldn't be offset what have i broken.


On a lighter note, it passed its mot today, 10 years, 140,000 miles only needed a stop lamp bulb. Now if only i could get it to drive straight, not stall, get the air con working, the sunroof opening and fix that bloody oil leak.

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is one flush with the wheel arch and the other one about 50mm inside it?


I'm thinking you mean 5mm, if its 2 inches tucked in you need to get that sorted!!

However, a lot of rados do seem to be tucked in slightly more on the drivers side. I have no idea why!

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Yup, NickVR6 and I had a big discussion about this - in fact, I've not seen a VR where the driver's wheel didn't sit further inboard than the passenger's...


No idea why though!

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No, i actually did (and still do) mean about 50mm/2 inches in. There appears to be 'play' in the drivers wheel tie rod set up too. If corrado wheels are offset, although i'm not ruling out my local VW tossers, sorry, experts fitting the tie rod from a 1970's air cooled van, i wonder if its this thats causing my pull to the left.


And while i'm at it how do i tell whether i'm distributerless or not. I need a new coil pack, GSF sell two versions and the difference (and price) depend on it.


why is nothing ever simple?

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And while i'm at it how do i tell whether i'm distributerless or not. I need a new coil pack, GSF sell two versions and the difference (and price) depend on it.


why is nothing ever simple?


The VR6 pictured on this thread is a coilpack one (note how the plug leads are connected in a row), if you've got a dizzy, they come out of a round thing in a circular pattern instead (cos the dizzy arm spins around inside, distributing the spark to the appropriate lead)

http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... 146#463146

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if its only a few mm diff I think its something to do with balance and engine position. My mk1 showed this quite noticeably. If it%u2019s 50mm then something wrong there as the guys say. was it alwas like that? guess you could have diff offset wheels or indeed the wrong wishbone etc as BB says?


eek! but well done on the mot! :-)

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An M reg should be with a coilpack. The plug leads come out of a rectangular box bolted on the nearside of the engine. GSF price is £115+vat. Pt No 92526. How do you know you need one? If your camber is very out and i mean very, the top of the wheel will look to be in a different place compared to the other wheel.

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I know i need a coilpack because the man at the garage said so (apparently flooring the throttle and getting coughs bangs wheezes and the odd backfire, along with connecting it to some diagnostic thingy indicates coil pack problems)


i apparently need the injectors cleaning too! well only No3 actually needs cleaning, but since the designer didnt allow for 'just whipping one out' without taking the whole damn rail off.......


Have just looked at the plug leads and they are in a rectangular block shape, which i believe makes me distributorless and therefore eligible for the expensive replacment (no suprises there then, if only the man at GSF had been as helpfull as you lot).


Camber etc have all been checked and been declared ok although the guy who does my mot says that cant be true given the play in the tie rod

Am still no clearer as to a plan for my wheels/handling problem though. now its not so cold outside (no garage) i think i'll see if i can cure the play the mot man found and see what happens.

Maybe my wheels have always been like this?


I probably should have said that the reason for all this is over 2 years old. I kerbed the offside front leaving a dual carriageway, took it to VW and have put up with it pulling ever since.


Thanks to all for your assistance, this is an excellent resource, i'd possibly have given up and bought a Focus by now without it (I'm Kidding, NOTHING would make me do that)



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