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head gasket gone?????

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Hi anyone help please , just cleaned all my engine off and noticed what looks like oil or water between the block and head on the left hand side of the engine (as you look at it from under the bonnet ). I wiped it clean and started the engine again nothing appeared for ages and then low and behold wet stuff started appearing where you can just make the head gasket out.

The oil is good colour and the coolant seems fine .....any thoughts for me Cheers

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Bones, it could be oil from the cam seal or a leaking cam cover gasket. You don't want to be pulling the head if it's summat simple. G60 has a special metal headgasket that costs a few quid and if you have the head off you'll need to have it flowed and get a lumpy cam etc etc :lol:


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Glad to see that I'm not the only one that finds simple engine servicing expensive. Last time I started setting the timing on my 8v Gti to run super plus I ended up dropping in a hairy 1.9 and V-SAM pro. :D


Although it's rude to remove a head and replace it a non flowed one!

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Bones - Definatley weigh up your options BEFORE deciding its a head gasket problem - I say this with SERIOUS financial experience. The cost of changing your head gasket along with pure bad luck has just cost me in excess of £1500.00!!


Apparently, the initial reson for my loss of coolant was due to a clagged radiator - too much pressure and an old head gasket which could'nt take any more. Coupled with the bad luck that only a whole day went by after fixing it that the Heater Matrix dropped its guts due to the decrease in pressure going through the system (cause the Gasket was now repaired with a lovely skimmed head to go with it!).


I'm not saying its your radiator - I'm just saying (as is H100VW) that prevention is better than cure - anything dodgy with your coolant may not be a direct head gasket fault, but can certainly lead to it going if you dont sort out the minor one - Safe thing is to get a couple of oppinions from some decent garages.


Sorry to dribble on - I just never want to hear of anyone going through anything remotley like what I did with the cooling system - Its an ARSE!!

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Thanks for that , I've noticed that the top hose seeems under mega pressure when up to temp. The VR runs great stars well etc so I might check out a few things. I've been looking through the forum for ideas (wife is going mad)

Starts getting you down though when you've just forked out for resparay, exhaust etc and I still need to replace the rear engine mount .......just want to drive it Cheeers

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