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A really daft question about brake calipers!

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Hi everyone, I'm just in the process of replacing my brake pads on the rear of the vr.

I've got the new pads all lined up and ready, but i can't seem to compress the piston on the caliper to get it round them.

I've not got the handbrake on, and i've been using a trusty g clamp that's served me well before on countless front calipers, but this is actually the first time i've had a car with rear discs! Is there something else i need to do to be able to compress it down enough?

Cheers, Jonny

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The rear caliper is 'threaded' unlike the fronts. You need a caliper windback tool- about £15 from most motor factors. Or you could wind them back clockwise with a pair of long nose pliers.

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Don't you have to turn the piston at the same time as compressing it?




Ice White Socks, you beat me too it!

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Don't you have to turn the piston at the same time as compressing it?




Ice White Socks, you beat me too it!



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Ah right, thought it might end up being something like that. :brickwall:

shame the cars on 3 wheels now! gonna have to brave the rain on the bike.

thanks for the help guys.

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you could try the plier trick? no


Its funny cos thats exactly where my car is too- I did the rears OK but the bleed nipple wouldn't come off on one of the front calipers and ended up banging an undersize socket on to get enough grip to get it off- now I'm waiting for some new nips from the stealers grrrrrr :x

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sorted, got a tool for it. The pliers idea would've worked, but I managed to snap my only long nosed pliers doing something similar a while ago!

That reminds me, I better add some on the shopping list next time.



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