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10 Things we hate on the road

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If I have to be distracted by his needless use of foglights, then he can cheesingwell suck on my reds too....


well said! :lol:


Usually just chavs wanting a race or some dumbass middle aged woman not realising they are for foggy conditions only.....erm or corrado owners without an uprated loom :wink:


Have fun


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Well, it is illegal to have them on if it isn't foggy.....and they are quite dazzling as well.



If some tool bombs up behind me with his fogs on on a nice sunny day, then I flip on the rear foglights.


Well, Fogs are for poor visibility. So yeh, I do as Kev says too.


although the last guy was nice about it and turned them off very quickly. So quick he flashed me for having the rear one on. Next came a National - bye bye t*sser !

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Heh heh, thats quality. I often find that they don't reposnd by turning them off, which is also quite amusing, as when there up close in traffic or something, you look in your rear view mirror and see a glowing red car behind you :lol: :lol:

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Ok, to revive the topic I had a pet peeve happen again today. People who own the road. - I mean to say, they think they own it.


Im easing off to work this morning and in no rush, infact intend to arrive late to miss the rush-hour traffic. Coming around a long left hander, I edge out toward the white line to better my view and also miss a drain-grid that I am aware of. I will refuse to hit pot-holes and grids etc that could potentially damage my rims.


Parked on the other side of the road is a car. Coming towards me is this guy, but I reach the parked car 1st (easily) and ease by. Now this ponce in his hair-dresser 2-seater, with the roof down, throws both his hands up in the air, staring at me, as he comes to a stop behind the parked car.


Now what is his problem? Clearly he felt I should've driven into the gutter to allow sufficient space for him to drive through and thus letting him avoid coming to a stop - heaven forbid him having to slow down as per highway-code.



# 2 - Dub_nut, that reminds me of going for a drive last week,


Came upto some lights, not far from the Waterman pub, where an Alfa GT sat in lane one and lane two was empty. I came up slowly and "gassed it" when the lights went green, with my rolling start. Tinkerbell in his GT decided to accellerate hard and wanted to undertake me as the road norrowed into 1 - what a dangerous silly man he was. I booted it and stayed ahead and stuck to the 60. Came to a 40 where he hogged my bumper and sat on the white line* then flashed me as he turned off into a petrol station. *He was welcome to come past as I would never break the limit; but instead he just wanted to be aggressive to show me how hard he was; good job I didnt want petrol too.


And 'bet your bottom dollar' that had I rolled up behind him instead of going past, he would've pootled along the 1st road at 50 and not the said 60.

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Forgot about this thread!


For me it has to be the idiots who refuse to merge in turn, have found Hindhead southbound on the A3 to be the worst, nearly been run off the road twice recently, both times i had been signalling to merge. the first time a lorry decided to accelerate to stop me getting in and i ended up in the middle of a hatched area, the second time a BMW was in the quicker lane of traffic cam flying up and refused to let me in even though i was there first!


To show my furstration i overtook said BMW at earleist opportunity at a failrly rapid rate and as i went past he gave the w@anker sign to me, then proceeded to follow me about a metre from my bumper. even when i slowed from 90 to my normal 60 cruise he didnt overtake and just sat there, i needed fuel badly but was a little worried he would follow if i pulled over!


I find most drivers in rush hour tend to be pretty courteous (apart from lane hoggers) but some are complete idiots, do they not realise everyone else on the road is also trying to get home?

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For me it has to be the idiots who refuse to merge in turn


Yeah ditto. I was in lane three of a road that merges into a two lane road. I merged in between two cars when it was my turn to do so, but apparently the nice young man in the car behind me took objection to that and quickly swerved out from behind and then swerved back in front of me.


Why did he do that? Did it really matter to him that he was one car in front? Bloody idiot. :mad:

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If everyone merged alternately, one car in the left lane, then one in the right and so on. BUT NOOOOO....... they all want the same piece of road at the same time. Im happy to let someone in from the right lane, as long as they arent agressive about it by trying to force you to let them in. Some even drive onto the hatchings rather then give in.


Even worse when youve spent the time to queue like everybody else and they swan in from the right lane. Parts of the A63 between York and the coast are bad for bottle necks.

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Jaguar drivers, usually middle-aged men, probably with young kids, think they've made it in society.


Example this morning in Coventry:


Roadworks all over the place, where you expect them least, of course, and usually without forewarning. I was waiting in front of a red traffic light, still able to turn left into a sliproad, when I became aware of the traffic after the traffic light not moving, as there probably were roadworks further ahead (later it turned out that on a dual carriage way they had closed one lane, hence huge tailbacks).


I decide that I'm not having this, indicate wanting to go left, it's clear, I nudge forward still indicating, when a Jag pulls up, honking, making aggressive gestures from his airco'ed waggon, to which I simply open my window and give him my full morning-depression: F*ck off, finger, and why he thinks I'm indicating, because I'm a charity or something? At least I indicate, which half of the driving population in this country don't even do anymore! T*ssers, these Jag-people :lol:



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My old mans got a Jag! :) Well a Daimler!


But his is a classic and he certainly doesn't drive like that!

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heh, they especially like not to indicate on roundabouts. GRRRR The frustration when youre waiting for a gap when people arent indicating and showing there intentions.

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Ok, to revive the topic I had a pet peeve happen again today. People who own the road. - I mean to say, they think they own it.


Yeah that's a classic :lol: I'm surprised Brits don't sit on a section of road which they think is 'theirs' in a rocking chair, wearing dungrees and a hat with dangling corks, shotgun across their lap and spouting in a deep texas accent "Giiieett off my laaand"......moron bastard f'cker bastards!


Makes me laugh how everyone is in such a hurry around towns. They accelerate to squeeze through gaps when the obstruction is on 'their' side of the road, no acknowledgment of offered passage and generally dick about making a meal of trivial things. Turn into a narrow street with cars on both sides and it's always a battle of who's going to yield first. "Well I ain't backing up mate, you reverse back onto the main road you just turned off" Yeah....have you read the highway code?


A lot of the 'suggested' road etiquette in Highway code should be law! Even when waiting at zebra crossings on foot, no ever stops any more. It's clearly so much effort to pressing the middle pedal, moving a stick a couple of inches and waiting for 20-30 seconds :roll:

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LOL, "Highwire Code" :-)


My codes are simple:-


Pedestrians and cyclists have right of way, except when I'm driving, they can wait.


People that sit stationary in the left lane of a two lane one way road indicating right instead of merging gradually, shall be barged out of the way by my Halfords clip-on snowplough.


Middle lane hoggers shall blown out of the way by my Halfords clip-on 50 cal machine gun


People caught doing 60 in a 30 will be overtaken by me


Any cyclists caught riding 3 or 4 abrest on busy roads shall be rammed into a single file


Land mines are permitted where dust carts and milk floats are stationary for longer than the allowed 18.3 seconds


Oncoming traffic has to stop and wait for me circumnavigate pot holes


Animals caught crossing the roads between the hours of 7am - 11pm will be squashed


Bad parking will result in my mate paying them a visit with his forklift


There, I think we can all live by those rules, don't you think? :-)

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Had a good one this morning!


Little country road I come to work on has a very narrow bridge. Two cars can fit through it but a lorry takes over the whole thing. So I get to the bridge and a lorry is squeezing through.. lorry finally gets through but the car in front still isnt moving.


I can see in the reflection of the paintwork someone trying to pick up their motorbike off the floor (think they must have jammed it all on when the lorry came towards em and fell off or sommat) - a few people rush over to help pick it up - cars still not moving - some guy in a Celica pulls up on the other side and goes to chat to the biker. I think it was a woman as he was just chatting, etc casually for a few minutes whilst the cars are just waiting cause this bike is basically blocking the road and the traffic coming the other way is so steady, you can't get past!


Finally the other lane clears after about 5 minutes.. I signal my displeasure by deploying full throttle as I go past the biker. Honestly...

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This happened to me this morning,and continues to happen on a regular basis;two lanes,both can only turn right-into two lanes.I'm in lane 1,wishing to turn into lane 1.Mr Cab Driver's in lane 2,which lane does he turn into? ..yip,lane 1,thus cutting me off and nearly causing an accident(but not quite,because I pre-empted him doing this).Naturally this pissed me off,and I let him know.He then crossed both lanes in a zig-zag fashion and slowed down to really rub it in.

Why,I don't know-but I decided to spare him.

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Similar thing for me Mr Wizard. Only its up to a roundabout and lane 1 splits into 2 lanes and lane 2 is pushed over to the right and becomes lane 3 for a right turn. So the amount of people who drift from the right lane into the middle one, because its a straight line, and fail to indicate and worse still force thier way across - its gob smacking, and more so when I peep to stay in lane and make my presense known.


Jim - was the biker not a bit dazed and require a bit of 'getting it together' time? Someone should've moved the bike asap to get traffic going. And if Mrs Celica wasnt a nurse and checking Mr Biker was 'with it', then she shoulda fekked off.



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Yeah, good point Stu on the 2-lanes merge into 3-lane roundabout thingy, as I too, observe so many people moving from the right lane into the middle lane (clearly a lane change that requires indicating, judging by the fool-proof roadmarks), whereas I then have to honk my horn when being cut off moving from the left lane into the middle lane (requiring no indicating, as the middle and left lane are both mine judging by the fool-proof roadmarks).


Kev's road rules: Too complicated.


Tempest's road rules (easier):

1. When I approach with any of my Karmann coupes everyone has to yield and make way (unless it's another Karmann coupe, in which case we have a chat in the middle of the road, holding up traffic :lol:)


2. Anyone caught by me making mistakes or displaying inconsiderate behaviour like not indicating where required, should immediately have their license and car withdrawn in an attempt to rid the roads of morons and their sh*tty bangers


3. Tax payers' money should be used on resurfacing roads, and only when I'm not driving across them, because I hate roadworks.


That's it :lol:



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People who don't indicate properly, or those who don't bother atall. That really nags me off big time.


Taxi drivers around here are absolute idiots, doing u-turns instantly, not bothering to stop even if it's your way to go through then causing a tiny passage.


Mobile phone users while driving.

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Mobile phone users while driving.

Never saw much of it my self, until they made it illegal. The past month I can gurantee I saw someone using one on the way home every day! You can often tell, as they either hopp into lane 1 of motorway, go slow from lights, or swerve about on an A road.


You can often pull alongside them and they are totally oblivious to you.

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Stuart, I think you should be a Traffic cop in an unmarked car, you'd love issuing some rough justice to all these gimps that P you off. I know I would :-)

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