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fuel consuption

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any one got figures?

my g60 is doing 19.2 to the gallon, :shock:

tested over 3 full tanks to nearly empty

cheers guys


Yeah, that's about what I was getting outta my G60 before the engine expired... (fuel was not at fault! :lol: )


I tended to get about 320 miles out of a full tank (I've got the bigger tank in my C though!)

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i see you are running SNS. have you had it set up?


it may be running v v rich. im running SNS too.mine was way too rich at 450 or 500ohm. i also spoke to a couple of other peeps and they had the same issues. im getting there with my setup now and its set at 800ohm and still a little rich.


you aren't using the MFA are you though? it wont be accurate anymore.


iof you are doing the miles to gallons/litres conversion using the maths then it is v poor. if you can gewt your hands on a wideband, shove it up and go for a drive n see whatswhat. check the plugs-give um a clean and go drive it and check them straight after the drive not when its cooled.


does it smoke?black?


what does your AF gauge show you.


as ive leaned it out mine has took a moor normal operation path. ie at 500ohm it would only cycle at idle any more that that it would go rich. at 600ohm i got slight cycle and now at 800 i get almost normal operation


i was getting around 50 mils to 20 quid before the recent changes of a o2 sensor and leaning out. thats probly doubled/trebled now.


if you cant get hold of much of the kit i mentioned, speak to bilal. he can supply AF gauge etc. got to a rolling rd and get them to set it up and graph the air/fuel.


thats my next step now

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yep black smoke on hard acceleration


full tank milometer and divide litres of fuel to refill divided by miles driven


af gauge is only any good if your lambna sensor is good, as it uses this as a reader


so what should the co reading be under load at say 4000 rpm

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I get a bit of black smoke out of my VR6 at high revs..... a couple of the CCGB guys mentioned it to me when I went roaring past them with the RAMAIR yelling out (they loved it)....


Am pretty sure its nowt to worry about though as mpg is pretty good!

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check you lambda probe... try and get it set up with a wideband this willlet you know whats happening...

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I get about 250 miles thats town driving and then about 320 -400 thats all motorway miles


basically im not getting good fuel consumption :(

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I can usually get around 350 miles from a full tank (15 gallons) of optimax. My car is not yet set up correctly & I'm running what I suspect to be a "dodgy" chip.

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My VR get 360miles to 40quid generally but get nearer 380-400with more motorway use and that's with a charger on the VR too.


Optimax rules!


'Wideband' refers to the amount of difference the sensor registers, the standard one will measure +1.5 to -1.5 volts but a wideband sensor will show +3.5 to -3.5v, this is useful when you have quite a modified engine as there will be greater amounts of fuel chucked in and this may take the standard sensor outside of it's range.




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o2 sensor is v important to the system to maintain some fuel consumption and to keep the engine clean.


AF gauge will show you the o2 sensor is sending siignals for the ECU to correct for partial throttle driving. it will also show rich or leaning out points to a degree. this is shown as a cycle of the lights from rich to lean.


the o2 sensor is miles more accurate at providing stoich readings but thewideband is far better for the extremes.


basically when you go full throttle (WOT) then the o2 sensor isn't used. its signals are ignored from that point and the map is used. make sure they aren't sticking.


Get a AF gauge and make sure that the systems are working(o2, idle switch,WOT switch) test idle/wot with a multimeter for continuity.


as chris says the wideband provides quicker more accurate displays of what going on at the extremes.


id bet you are running around 10:1 aF ratio with the black smoke thing. it should be around the 12.5:1 mark.


get it set up on the rollers and you will see a big improvement if you haven't got wideband setup that you can get hold of. im lucky on that one.

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hi guys i have a rallye the fuel consumption is not brilliant but with u talking about 02 sensor where is it

cheers paul

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the o2 sensor is fitted in the exhaust just before the CAT if you still have it.


it connects to the engine harness at the engine mount below the clutch master on a right hand drive car, not sure whats there on a left hooker but sensor is in right place.


most of the oesive seen have been 4 wire at the plug. the probe is 3 wire and the 4th is a earth that goes to the engine mount bracket.


as said above. get a AF gauge and more peeps will be able to help you.


speak to bilal. the gauge that most G60 peeps here and the US use are the summit racing type that bilal has

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okay i connected up my af gauge yesterday, its a race x one but is the same as the summit one. it has ten led's and at idle it goes up and down like a yoyo. under load and hard acceleration i get 4-5 leds, and once 6. this seems a little low to me.

at 100 mph cruising only the first led is on and it flickers so only just working.

any ideas. at idle the voltage at the o2 sensor is betweem .1-.7 volt but dont know under load

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on partial the lights will go up and down between probly just over half and nearly none. this is the ECU correcting the fueling to attain stoich-14.5:1 fueling. this is done on partial and idle to maintain good consumption and emmissions. it also keeps the engine clean by running lean, burning off the crud n that.


when you put yer foot down on the SNS chip it goes straight to a map as digi lag is no more(cheers SNS) non SNS show a fluttering for a second or 2 before finding a map. im told SNS chips hit a map around 4psi regardless of throttle position. this is shown on the gauge as 1 bar rich or so. this is because the o2 probe is outside its most accurate zone of stoich. while it may stay on the same light the actual operation may vary from rich to lean in that area and this isn't displayed on the gauge. What i used to find before as i havent done 100 on the sns yet is that the range at 100 is v small. it may flick 1,2 or 3 bars from the bottom which may look lean but it aint. its good fuel consumption time. this small change(i may not be right on this )from what ive seen is usually a indication that you are about to hit a map.


it seems to be runnig ok from what you say just rich in boost(black smoke).


get it on the rollers and let the tweak with the fueling and timing n you'll see a much better consumption i reckon.


im at that stage too but with the red top injectors and 65mm pulley.

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i just put a k&n filter on my g60 38 qwid to fill the tank i done 110 miles an it used 3 qauters of the tank. :cry: that cant be right can it?


i dont think you can blame that on the filter ...somthing else aint right there...

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