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I think I've just killed ChrisVR6NOS!!

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Good to here your on the mend bud.


I have no idea what any of the above means other than the fact your obviously far more intelligent than i'll ever be!


make the most of the chill time, and string it out a bit once your 100%, its only fair :-)

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Been down to the docs today, need to go back on tuesday.

I was sure that with so many people on here that there must be a couple of people with similar conditions but it seems you are just a bunch of healthy Corrado enthusiasts! :lol: and good for you!


NickVR6, There's nothing you can't find on the internet(Quote:Fast & Furious) but medical things are a bit of a hobby for me, always been interested in this type of thing and find it fascinating.

I'm sure you are good in your field of interest too! :wink:





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Been down to the docs today, need to go back on tuesday.

I was sure that with so many people on here that there must be a couple of people with similar conditions but it seems you are just a bunch of healthy Corrado enthusiasts! :lol: and good for you!


NickVR6, There's nothing you can't find on the internet(Quote:Fast & Furious) but medical things are a bit of a hobby for me, always been interested in this type of thing and find it fascinating.

I'm sure you are good in your field of interest too! :wink:

Been learning about Alpha and Beta receptors today as i'm on Beta blockers and boring Chris Hill and CorradoVR6-n.o.s with it :lol:





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Chris, glad to hear you are OK having come across this thread.

SVTs can be very distressing and bloody knackering if they go on for a while - like being forced to run a marathon with no hope of reaching the finish line.

Adenosine is the choice juice but doesn't always work. A good trick is Carotid sinus massage (one side only!) but not advised if you have the possibility of arterial disease (could give you a stroke) but when it works its fantastic - and saves your arms from needle wielders...did anyone start rubbing your neck when you went in?

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Cheers Socks! :wink:


STORM 2, i did try Carotid sinus massage myself whilst waiting for the ambulance but to no avail.

LOL at one side only!

I'd pass out if did both sides at the same time, no blood/oxygen to the brain!

The danger as you say with the massage is that arterial plaque can break off and lodge in the capilliaries around the brain and your in trouble as well as arterial damage and bleeding, the contras go on and on but at the time you try what you can.

My arm has a lovely subcutanious contusion and hematoma from the weilders!


All is well though, the forum keeps me sane too, need to get out onto the sun though, looks nice and bright out there.




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Been on the phone about10 mins ago but thought I 'd just post on here as well.

As I said take it easy and hope you are feeling better, and hope you enjoyed the cuppa.


Can't beleive it I had also seen Chris only 1 hour or so before this happened and he seemed fine. Just goes to show we really do have to take care and the fact that such a forum has so much support! I reckon it should go in PVW or something about how supportive the forum is!


keep well Chris will speak soon!

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Well said Paul, i just can't see the other forums being as supportive, it's really great and a sign of a stromg enthusiasts community!


Bojmobile, well that just shows how much the Corrado has impressed upon my life! VAG all the way :lol:





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Bloody hell - I don't come on the forum for a few days and someone dies...and comes back to life :lol:


Good to hear you're feeling better now tho Chris :)

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