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Driveshaft pulleys

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Hi there,


Has anyone had grief with the driveshaft pulleys on G60? Im having no end of trouble. :cry:


On to my second crank pully, repaired crank keyway...


It seems to move at the end when running, causes the PAS mounts to work loose in short time...


Its off the road til get this sorted. I think my vibration dampers buggered, got a quote from the german bloodsuckers £280 roughly for a bit of spinny steel, ludricous! :mad:

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i would be checking the keyway in the crank - as said before you issue is not in the

drive pulleys.

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Ok mate thankyou, ill get on to it got a mate coming tomorrow to have a look anyway...


Guess its a question of getting it absolutely flat :brickwall:

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It appears to be that I need to get the crank face reworked, can this be done in the car or do I need to drop it out the engine for regrinding and balancing?


How much will this be? :roll:

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