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Corrado Website - Upd July 2nd

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I'm wanting to expand my website so it incorporates more Corrado's, ie, not just mine!


I've heard people say they'd want to start their own website with pics/work done/specs etc but can't find the time or know how to. Well what I'm trying to get the site to be is pretty much what it is now but for other peeps Corrado's.


Imagine how it is now but with several C's to pick and look at, or view the specs of and mods done etc. Like coupehaus in a way, just without the need for a nuts car!


So if anyones interested, all you'd need is pics of your car, specs, the work you've done etc and the occasional update, all of which I would do.


Each Car would have its own version of what mine is now, just with a different front page etc to incorporate other peeps.




Oh, and I have no intention of starting a forum, absolutely no point when this is here! :D


So if you want to showcase your car and what you've done, this is it! Like a bigger, more personalised page in the members gallery!


Let me know, cause if its not popular/not going to work, I wont start chaging it yet!



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I'll work on a template for multiple cars tomorrow. See what you think and we'll go from there!

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lol, I went to post on this thread earlier, and then I had a power cut at work, and my PC died before I had finished typing :-/


I'd happily post my pics etc up, just have to give him a clean :)

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looks good mate, i have photos i can put up but how will you want us to do it? upload our own or send to you?




you could maybe add a 'past cars' section as its always interesting to see where we have come from, well imo

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Mr _Monkey, your pics have been put up. You just need to fill in whats missing and send a few more piccies. View my gallery/workdone etc for the format.



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how exactly do you upload to that site?? :oops:


i mean HOW do you upload! got no idea mate... :lol:

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:lol: far to easy my my complex brain :lol:


i`ll sort out a few and some text over the weekend and stick up for the valvers!!!



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I'll stick up a few shots of mine when I get my camera later!


Where would you like the text sent to?

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Send me any and all pics you want. It'll be your section. Look at my gallery as an example, got loads up there.

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Well the first C is up now!


Mr _Monkey's Corrado.


If you were wanting to post up your car have a look in the project section and message me.

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Could people put their pics in their own folder as I'm not sure whos is whos.


Theres 2 lots, some with DC*******.jpg and some with just lots of numbers, eg 13837020003.jpg.


As some pics are of engine parts I'm not sure who's is which pic!

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