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A sad moment...

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...I've just waved bye to my first ever dub :(


The car that brought me to this forum, inducted me into the world of dubs, and even acquired me the best girlfriend I could ever have asked for...


Yup, Sen, my Passat, has just been collected by her new owner and driven off into the night...


At least she's staying local, and I'll still get to see her around; and the new owner has promised to carry on what I started, which is comforting to know... :)


Don't you just hate how attached we get to these big lumps of metal?!

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thought you'd sold your VR reading the title and the first two lines :o


at least she's gone to a good home :)

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..., and even acquired me the best girlfriend I could ever have asked for...




i take it laura typed that bit? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Nope, sold to a local dub enthusiast that I know... heheh, she's in capable hands now!



hmmmm.......18t per chance. bum dude shame to see it go but at least its going to stay alive.


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I know how you must be feeling - it was like that when I let the Golf go... mind you I bet you're happier being able to put the VR on the drive now! No more road side damage to worry about :D

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Good to hear Sen's gone to a loving home mate - you know things are only gonna get better for him/her/it :D

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