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Urgent- gears sticking, especially third :-(

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On the way to work had to pull over 'cos I couldn't get the car out of third! After a bit of persuasion managed to get it to neutral. Just about managed to get to work, but all gears felt very dodgy and it stuck several times. Again, third was the worst.


Could it need new oil or adjusting? Or is it knackered? Any ideas?


Normally, the gears very occasionally crunch in first, but are general very slick.


Have tried the search, but nothing conclusive.



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are you sure the clutch is ok Cazza16v, does it engage and disengage correctly and have you checked the gear lever mech under the leather gaitor inside the car ?, sometimes the circlip on the shaft that goes from side to side becomes dislodged and makes gear engagement difficult

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Clutch seems OK.


Haven't checked the circlip yet, bit the lever isn't sloppy and always returns to the middle so I assume it's intact. I'll check later though, just to be sure!

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I must admit I do find an element of this on my car so will watch this thread to see if there are any tips. I personally suspect its just an alignment issue more than anything as most of the gears are smooth but reverse is a complete PITA and sometimes the car doesn't really want to let me take it back OUT of reverse once its there.


And gears of course are one of those things where brute force and stress will get you nowhere.. you gotta take a deep breath, slowly try and get it in / out of gear.. always good fun ;)

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Thanks for your suggestions, guys :)


Reeesult! Checked the linkages and found that the siren from my crappy old Piranha alarm had come off it's bracket and fallen into the linkages. Got it all out and secured it, and now have a nice, smooth change again 8)


I'm quite relieved!

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I must admit I do find an element of this on my car so will watch this thread to see if there are any tips. I personally suspect its just an alignment issue more than anything as most of the gears are smooth but reverse is a complete PITA and sometimes the car doesn't really want to let me take it back OUT of reverse once its there.


And gears of course are one of those things where brute force and stress will get you nowhere.. you gotta take a deep breath, slowly try and get it in / out of gear.. always good fun ;)


Same here!

Reverse Gear gets stuck many times and it´s not very easy to take it out!

You must me gently as Jim says.

Maybe there could be a relation between these problems and gearbox codes?

Mine is a CBA and it´s the most smooth gearbox i have ever tried on a Corrado, though it has very short ratios for a G60 in my opinion...

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Reeesult! Checked the linkages and found that the siren from my crappy old Piranha alarm had come off it's bracket and fallen into the linkages.


i was just going to say check the piranha :lol: .............. nah, not really


glad you got it sorted without any heartache fella :thumbleft:

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Here's the little bugger!


Think I might do a Wiki guide for 'Piranha removal' :lol:

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