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g60 ..does this mean its too rich?

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i noticed last night when i was driving with cars lights right behind me that if i hoof my g60 really hard from low revs , it leaves a slight haze which i assume can only be unburnt fuel


the car doesnt use a touch of oil , so i can rule that out


i have the sns chip with a 3 bar fpr...emmisions and wideband check out ok


has anyone else noticed thier g60 do it?

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If it runs well and gives reasonable (ie. more than 20mpg on average) economy, then I wouldn't worry about it :wink:


I noticed exactly the same a while ago when I was trying to check the coolant system - I was idling at the kerb waiting for the temp to get up, when my wife got into the driver's seat and upped the revs, then suddenly she floored it to the redline! :shock: Thankfully she'd checked that the oil was over 70C :) Anyway, on full throttle, the ECU deliberately overfuels slightly, and above 5k it goes crazy (to protect the valves), so I had a nice big cloud of black soot shoot out of the exhaust. :lol:


Was initially very concerned until I checked here on the forum and had my worries allayed :wink: Apparently it's a common safety measure for sports cars.


Edit: Perhaps I meant more than 25mpg on average...

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See what colour the smoke is.

If its black and soot-like its likely to be unburnt fuel.


If it does it all the time it could be your lambda.

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