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G60 slowly lost power then died!?

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Hi All,


Just wondered if anyone has any ideas on why my 92 G60 just died yesterday? I drove 40 miles to work and back in the morning wasn’t really pushing it but it felt a little sluggish, got home ok then drove a mile up the road to the shops and on the way back I had to keep my foot to the floor to get it to go at all, and it wouldn’t rev above 2500. It died at the end of the road and had to be pushed to the drive (aided by one very unimpressed girlfriend)


When I try and start it now it runs but sounds like a tractor really rough and very slow idle then it dies, keeping the accelerator to the floor makes no difference, I have changed the fuel filter (no difference) checked the fuel delivery looks ok it filled up my litre jug in 20 secs plus I tried holding my finger on the end but couldn’t stop it so pressure looks ok.

The vac hose to the ecu looks frayed and worn so thinking of changing it, also the exhaust has been blowing really bad recently (not got round to getting it welded back up yet! :oops: )


Was planning on changing the ecu hose, fuel relay, ECU relay, and carb cleaning the ISV. If anyone can think of anything else I should check/change Please let me know! :-)


Went out this morning to have another look and the bonnet release cable snapped :mad: my street very very nearly had a Corrado bonfire!! I have always been used to Golf’s in that you just get in and drive! Having a hard time adjusting to the Corrado style of something breaking every few miles/days


Help please :cry:





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Sounds to me like your crank bolt has gone slack and sheared the key off. Meaning your valve timing will have slowly been moving out of sync.

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Hi Chris,


Thanks for the reply, now for stupid question... Is there anyway I can check that is the case before I take it to the garage? I know my way round the engine and have done most of the work on my golfs myself however it this is going to mean engine out and in bits I dont have the skills or the time (yet!)


Thanks again for the reply all ideas welcome :wink:





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Line all your cam timing marks to TDC, then pull out No1 spark plug and see if the piston is all the way up to the top, a screw driver is a good way of feeling through the plug hole. If you turn the engine either way and back you should get a feel for where the piston is. If all's ok it should only go down and you can rule that out.

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Thanks Chris,


I will give that a try (as soon as I get the bonnet open!) :roll:

am going to change a few bits as well and will just keep my fingers crossed.


Thanks again



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I tried holding my finger on the end but couldn’t stop it so pressure looks ok.


Hello mate, sorry to hear about your problems, but I just thought I'd point out you should never ever put your finger over the end of a high pressure fuel hose/injector etc to check the pressure. They can inject fuel through the skin leading to blood poisoning and general finger lossage. Which is never nice!


Hope you get her fixed soon!!



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I must admit it really was not a very clever way of testing but I was in a rush and wanted to rule out as much as possable :oops:


I did have the presence of mind to have me latex gloves on at the time so hopefully the finger will be ok (it's my favourate finger too :roll: )


Thanks for the help everyone, I will get the bitch back on the road! After all there is only so many things that can break even on my rolling money pit :wink:





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I just noticed you're from Southampton, there seem to be a few more of us round here with rados! I'm in Winchester but I'm moving to Bishops Waltham soon, give me a shout if you want a hand or anything...

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Hi Toad,


Thanks for the offer :) I was hoping to get together with some local Corrado owners at some point over the summer but I have been so busy moving house and keeping my C on the road (well most of the time :roll: ) that I haven't had time to do a Calling all Southampton/Portsmouth Corrado owners post.


I will keep you posted as to progress and thanks again for the offer of assistance






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I've had a similar problem recently, turned out that first my hall sender gave up, then my distributor came loose cos some idiot didn't tighten it up properly !! It felt really sluggish, started to run very hot, then it cut out as soon as i tried to move. Very rough idle like you said aswell. Sounds like you're timing is out for sure.

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I just noticed you're from Southampton, there seem to be a few more of us round here with rados! I'm in Winchester but I'm moving to Bishops Waltham soon, give me a shout if you want a hand or anything...


I'm from winchester too. not a C but have a G60 lump in my passat.


a mini car meet should happen 8)

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Hey G60-R,


Yep I think a mini car meet is long over due!


Tom (Toad) you up for it mate?


Anyone around the Southampton/Portsmouth area fancy hooking up at some point soon for chat/cruse/drinks whatever really?


Oh yea on the broken G60 front I have the bonnet open and am going to check the timing tonight so "should" know what the problem by tomorrow and at the very least I will defiantly know another thing that isn't the problem!


Cheers all



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Yeah, I'd be up for a meet some time, are either of you going to the Rolling Road Day Saturday?


If not and you're interested, PM PhilK and see if you could shuffle in there. There's a few of us round here, ought to organise something else soon.

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Found it (I hope!) the fuel hose that runs to the inlet end of the fuel rail has split right along the edge of the metal screw clamp that holds it to the fuel rail. Result = optimax pissing down the back of the engine and not to the injectors, have ordered the three fuel hoses that run to and from the rail at a cost of £72 from VW will be changing this weekend and will have my G60 back on the road hurrah!! :multi: Thanks to all who offered help and advice much appreciated!!



P.s any G60 owners who have not changed their fuel hoses in the engine bay GET THEM DONE! I was damn lucky not to have had the whole thing go up as the fuel just leaks all over the exaust!!! You have been warned (again!)






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i'd like to meet up with you guys, my gf live in winchester so i am always up that way,,,, but i don't have a corrado yet! what the hey, let me join in... :)

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hey all, Looks like I got too excited too early! Have replaced all the fuel pipes and its exactly the same :cry:


I have now checked the timing and it looks ok, well the rotor arm and cam pully line up with the piston at TDC so I guess its got to be ok (please some one correct me if I'm wrong here)


So back to square one any one have any other ideas? Tom if your free one sat soon would love to take you up on that offer of help mate I am out of ideas now!


Cheers all



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Managed to get the feker to start and run for 5 seconds or so last night after I pulled the connector on my fuel pump run-on switch?? Anyone know what the run-on switch does or why it should improve the issue even if for a few seconds?


Am still convinced this is a fuel issue so it looks like its time for a new pump relay and if it still wont go then the pump its self. :(



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Have PMed you mate. What kit have you got? I might try to borrow a timing light and a compression tester for the weekend, if you want?

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Hi mate, Not got much in the way of proper kit yet :oops:

got most of the required tools(except a decent spline set) but no compression tester or timing gun, would be great if you can get hold of them but no worries if not :-)


you have a pm and will give ya a text later re sat.





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