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Haha i have joined the club already!

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Yep i bought my vr6 the other day and today she kept cutting out on me! I came in worried sick literally sh*tting myself that it was fooked and came straight on the forum and done a search, went back out disconnected a few plugs to various engine parts (MAF, Idle etc) and it started. As i done it to a few at the same tim im not sure which one exactly it was but im guessing maybe the MAF? I think the plugs just need a clean, we did also have a BIG down poor of rain here and so maybe they got a bit wet maybe?


And so it begins, the life of vr ownership :lol:



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Oh sorry :lol: i put question marks after the point im not sure about. So basically do you think it was the MAF plug just needs a clean? And do you think the big downfall of rain could be anything to do with it as it worked fine this morning then piffed it down and then it cut out?





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Standard few reasons: Check MAF, check ISV and clean, check throttle butterfly and clean, check ecu relay 109, replace if necessary, check fuel pump relay 67 (iirc) replace if necessary, check fuel pump. Theres loads of info on each, and they're all quite straightforward to do. If it doenst then work, you start getting expensive with the crank sensor, which you can initially remove wipe and refit. But do a seach first.

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