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accelerator cable

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hi all, recently had dodgy idle which i seem to have sorted by cleaning out the isv with carb cleaner and soaking in petrol for a couple of hours(plus getting a small screwdriver in and moving the ehhhh moving bit)

also changed the throttle body(had a spare)

now its time to do the accelerator cable which seems to be a bit stretched and is taking a second or two to release itself when i come off the gas.

how easy is this? any tips would be great

couldn't have fixed the idle prob without all the help

cheers martin

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I did mine a few weeks ago.

Cost a fair few Dundonian oaths which I had thought I had forgotten, and gained a couple of the good old skinned knuckles but once done you can convince yourself it would be easier if you had to do it again.


pm me if you would like to phone me and I will try and advise you as required.

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It's very easy to replace the cable - I did mine a couple of months ago.

Took a bit of force to get the old one out of the bulkhead. The rubber seal on mine was very tight.


I also skinned a knuckle doing mine :lol:

Gloves might be an idea :wink:

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Like others have said, it's very easy.

I did find that the black grommet need to be fitted in the hole before pushing in the blue bung, the removal and refitting of this was the worst bit as you cant get above it to pull it up or push is down and you do have very sharp metal all around your hand

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success !!

thanks for all the help

i noticed that the hook on the old cable just sat in the ring on the end of the peddle.

when i got the new one in position this didn't seem right as it kept slipping out.

then i remembered a wee rubber thingy that i found under the old mat when i first got the car.

a quick rummage in the toolbox and there it was.

fantastic, it fitted like it was meant to go there lol

good tip about the grommet nocrap

craigowl thank you for the offer

and joe bloggs GREAT tip on the gloves or i would have bled for sure

cheers martin :D

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