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Kevin Bacon

VAG-COM measuring blocks

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Scott asked me the other day about the measuring blocks on VAG-COM, so I've taken some screen shots for the benefit of other VAG-COM users too.


Bascially you hook up the car as normal (mainscreen.jpg) and start the engine. You should get all the serial numbers and other data VAG-COM needs to work. If you don't get the green text, check your PC connection.


Now you can check the engine fault codes by clicking on 'Fault codes - 02", then 'Engine'. (faultcodes.jpg). Vehicle speed sensor errors can be ignored if the speedo works OK. It's probably because the car is stationary with the engine running, tends to confuse the ECU!


Back to the main page again and now we can look at the interesting stuff. Click on 'Meas. blocks - 08' (measuring blocks.jpg'.

Use the up and down buttons to load 3 measuring blocks.

In here you can view live data from the engine which is very useful and all the essentials are included - O2 activity, battery voltage, idle speed, intake air temperature, throttle position, ignition timing etc etc. As stated already, these readings are live so change instantly when you rev the engine.


Lastly, VAG-Scope (vagscope.jpg) gives you a graphical data feed from the measuring blocks. This is also useful.





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Thats cool to see 8) It doesn't look that complicated.


I have a laptop so, what else do I need & how much will it cost.



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It's dead easy mate!


You need to order the Uni-com cable from http://www.ross-tech.com or http://www.vag-com.co.uk


I ordered mine from Ross-tech as it only took a couple of days to arrive. Vag-com uk took a couple of weeks to send a lead out!


Once you recieve the cable, you need to register the software. Instructions for doing this are included in the software, which you download from ross tech's or vag-com's site free of charge.


The cable costs £139. Sounds expensive but consider the savings you'll make taking it to the dealer for scans. VAG-COM will also report ABS faults too.



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Nice one Kev *:) - I know VAGCOM inside out myself but just wanted workshop values really so I can check them against the values I have 8)

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Oh and I assume the engine was cold when you did the measuring blocks screen????


Yeah it was cold, hence the coolant temp graph gradually climbing and a constant O2 value!



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im thinking about getting a lap top myself,how much does it cost for the leads/software?


Software is free, cable costs £139.



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Once you recieve the cable, you need to register the software. Instructions for doing this are included in the software, which you download from ross tech's or vag-com's site free of charge.


The cable costs £139.


Thats much cheaper than I thought :D


I think I'll put one of those on my list of things to get. 8)

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