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Balljoints / Labour to replace them?

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Hi Folks..


Been doing a bit of reading up to try and find the cause of my bad (read terrifying) handling and tramlining.


I think some tired old Yokohama's aint helping but do keep coming back to Ball Joints as being a very probable cause.


Can someone advise me on the cost of new VW items (I think my VW dealer must be sick of the sight of me for now!) per pair and what labour is typically involved in doing them? I'm into Stealth on Wednesday and will ask Vince then but would like to have an idea of a price in my head anyway :)


And newbie question here - are there front AND rear ball joints or is it a front only thing? :oops:

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Front only. It's what the hub pivots on, mounted in effect between the hub and the wishbone, assuming you mean bottom ball joint. There's a steering ball joint too, which is £17 and 15 mins to fit per side.

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Thats what I thought.. I hear labour of only about an hour provided everything comes of and goes on properly but then full camber adjustment again. Problem with Stealth is that means 2 hours labour on their full Biesbarth rig on top of the bill. Sigh.

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It's DIYable, to save the initial fitting costs, but you ought to get the camber and tracking checked after. Unless you're me, and stupid.

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Problem is I have no tools and i've taken up enough of Erics weekends already doing odd jobs on my car. Will just have to take a few bills on the chin from time to time!

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Yeah but having read around people are saying that even if they look ok they can be the cause of the tramlining.


I need to find some sort of answer because to be honest its even worse since Germany now - like, I can't describe how bad it is to drive..


And to be honest - my completely shagged front engine mount wasn't picked up in the service or anything I had done last time so possible ball joints could have been missed?

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I reckon those wheels could have worn them yes and non genuine ones don't last at all on Corrado's, new VW ones are about £12 a peice and Vince usually has them in stock - I'd let him have a go at it first with a bar and see if he finds any play...

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Cool - i'll talk to him nicely and enquire about cheapo track / camber if I do get em done - I simply can't afford the full Beisbarth works at the moment but i'm desperate to sort this handling issue out.


Wednesday is a few hour fault finding session:


* Exhaust resonation noises - coming from where

* Idling issue (still waiting on my ISV from fleabay which may cure it but..)

* Handling is terrifying


If I could sort those out, i'd be a really happy bunny as i'm pretty happy with how the car looks and performs otherwise!

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Cool - i'll talk to him nicely and enquire about cheapo track / camber if I do get em done - I simply can't afford the full Beisbarth works at the moment but i'm desperate to sort this handling issue out.


Wednesday is a few hour fault finding session:


* Exhaust resonation noises - coming from where

* Idling issue (still waiting on my ISV from fleabay which may cure it but..)

* Handling is terrifying


If I could sort those out, i'd be a really happy bunny as i'm pretty happy with how the car looks and performs otherwise!


Just don't sell the bloody thing when you get it sorted to how you want it!


But seriously Jim this is a job even you could manage with ease. I realise it's more than you may want to spend but halfords do sell some excellent tool kits and I have had my set for over 7 years now - it's even the same one the Vince has kicking around his workshop. This is only swapping 6 bolts over and they are easy to get to.


As for the exhaust resonance do you still have that power rhoar crap fitted?

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I'm not gonna.. i'm definately in with this one for the long haul :)


Well I asked my folks nicely for a tool kit startup for christmas (and my dad knows tools, etc so it shouldn't be a socket set from Poundlound sort of thing) but I could pick up some starter stuff from Halfords for the cost of an hours labour down at Stealth.


I just don't know where to look etc - though to be fair my Passat Haynes manual should cover it..? I'll have a read later!


Noise wise - yes I do have the Powerrohr still but i've got other noises now that do sound like heat shields, etc on part accelleration - not just that rasp beyond about 3000RPM which you attributed to the Powerrohr.

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Go on Jim you can do this!


I did it a few months back, one year ago I had absolutely 0 mechanical experience.


All you need to do is take the wheel off undo a few bolts then hammer in a balljoint splitter, the balljoint will drop off then put the new one on, get the wheel in roughly the right position, tighten everything up. Get your allignment done.


One thing I would say is that the BJ splitter I got form halfrauds was no use, it wasn't wide enough to go round the BJ. I spent ages trying to get it to fit and in the end borrowed my neighbours and the BJ came off in seconds.

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Be interested to hear how you get on Jim- I also have 'terrifying' handling- i'm just trying to accumulate some pennies and then its going in to Stealth for the works. I was going to get the track rod ends changed anyway along with a whole load of other stuff- but never considered the bottom ball joints :?

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Don't bother with the balljoints- it's defo the Borbet C's that are causing the probs. Sell them to me, put some standard wheels on and you'll be sorted again :wink:

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