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Saint Tricky

G60 Engine number?

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Could someone please tell me where the engine number is for a G60 please, I've got the number off of my V5 but need to check it's the same one as in the car as my insurance company need to know it.

I'm sorry if it's been asked a million times but I can't find it doing a quick search and I'd like an answer asap before it gets dark and rains again. :(



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I got a run of 9 numbers followed by AA, is this right?

If so it's not even close to the one in the log book.

The log book one starts with PG and is followed by 6 numbers.



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A genuine g60 Engine will allways start with PG if in a corrado. Or 1H if a Rallye

I must be reading another number then.

The number I read is clearly visible on an alloy part of the engine just behind the charger. (god I hate being so dense :cry: )


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look just below the water outlet on the head where it meets the block you will see a machined part of the block there with the number stamped into it

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I can see it now, just can't read the bugger.

Everything seems to be in the way.

Think I'll go with the log book number now, brass rubbing isn't my forte. :D

Thanks for your help both of you?


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rub the flat bit of the block with a little sand paper... that'll make the numbers show up much more clearly... ;) 8)

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