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Engine - tapetty tap tap

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Cheers lads and Im sure I will need to refer to this thread in the future. Meanwhile a loose plug was the problem; not sure why as all the others were fine and done to correct torque. Engine now totally quiet once warm, but still sounds rattly (very different noise to taps) on cold start; common on the 16v?!! so im told.

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but still sounds rattly (very different noise to taps) on cold start


Could be the hydraulic tappets filling with oil, I suppose.



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Thats common on all VW engines with hydraulic tappets apparently... (according to VW) - especially if the car is not used daily.


There is a procedure about running the car at 2000 rpm for 20 - 30 mins, if the noise doesn't go away then change the tappets...

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yup, change the tappets. an oil isnt going to solve the problem, how can it ? its only an additive, its not exactly going to rebuild a tappet!! good if it did tho...

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The "rev the crap outa it" procedure actually works BETTER at 6:30 in the morning on a residential street, because the seething anger from the residents who have been woken unceremoniously actually shames the tappets into quietening down more quickly.



i have to agree , if this doesnt work ............. ----> try outside a nursing home (embarisment goes along way)lol

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