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Wrote of my G60 last night. 2nd offer from insurance -page 3

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my old grey G60 was a write off and they wouldnt let me buy it back, gave me 1K for it, it was perfect, (91k miles grey leather ABS etc) and it had a charger just rebuilt 400miles ago. told me i culdnt buy it back and had to be crushed etc. then i find the charger on ebay, sold for £555 emailed the seller siad he has the whole car in his garage and is breaking it in peterborough!! miles away from my Bl**dy house!! ask the insurance co. where your car is and go and get it!!! Insurance is one of the most shady things going!!

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Defanitly get the car back, even if it costs a few hundred, you know what you've spent on it!

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Interesting.. So how does one get an agreed payout. I belive I will be going for this policy? Who are ya both with?


I'm with Chris Knott on their future classic policy and via them the agreed

value is underwritten by Lancaster Insurance.

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HI all.


I spoke with the insurance company today. I'm insured through Fortis. They will not allow me to have the car back and will not give me the salvage companies details.




Such a loss. I know for sure that my engine box n carger are gonna be on ebay in a few weeks.



Gonna have to think of something. They said they are paying me for the car. they then have an agreed salvage agent who will remove what is OK from the car and sell it then take the shell for disposal to be issued a certificate of destruction.


Will have to try calling them again on monday.

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tell them the scrap man came round an your lass said he can take it :lol:

stash it a garage while you can strip it down :D

or i'll get someone we a transporter to come an bring it to my house :lol:

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did u manage to keep the car?


greetings mr green of the 60.. To answer in a word...No


They would not bend. My Insurance Broker is only a small high St store but known em for years. They have asked for a written report on this case and a report on the Acessor. The Boss de belives that the acessor either has a C or knows someone with a C. He will file a pissy report on the car the insurance write it off give me £300 and he gets it for nothing from my insurance..


The boss alos said noway does a customer get offered £300 then a leap to £3100 with no argument on the case n car.


Car not yet picked up and me have a new G60 so.. :scatter:




Photos of new car tomorrow.


oh by the way where ya get the bonett bra from?

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mines an autobra,u wanna swap it for ya old g60 :lol:

i'll be down 2morro pretendin to be from the insurers :D



Ha I'm sure they would love that. turn up at my uncles farm where knackerd C is n there is a space where it should be n me sittin on the bonett of me new C patting it with a smile... :-P

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