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I had a 60 mile drive last night and was doing around 80mph most of the way,when i reached my destination i noticed steam coming out of the bonnet and the water warning light came on, i hadn't noticed the gauge creaping up though.


Water was coming out of expansion tank so i left it for a couple of hours, i filled it up( mainly water) and a litre of antifreeze and drove it the 60 miles home with no problems with the temp staying around 90.


I changed the bypass valve a few weeks ago and must admit i hadn't checked the water level since topping it up then, could it have been that the water was low and what was in there couldn't cope and overheated?

I would have thought the warning light would have come on to warn me of low water before though?


Could it have been an airlock?


I am going to flush the system at the weekend and re-fill, what is the best anti freeze to use and what percentage, and what is the best method to re - fill, i normally fill in the expansion tank with the engine running and heater set to highest??



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Yeah - the blue one is a revised design I believe. Definately get a new one.

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I changed the bypass valve a few weeks ago and must admit i hadn't checked the water level since topping it up then,





I think it was an airlock.

Also, have you removed the bypass valve or put a new one on. Apparently they dont last long.

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No, i put a new one on,Jim, i'll get a new cap too and then re-fill the system, and keep my fingers crossed.

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