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Attempted theft of S3..

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For those of you who live in around the midlands area, please be aware, my cousin was a victim of a very violent attempted theft of his X reg Audi S3.


This happened on Thursday 2nd October at about 2.00am, as him and his mate had just bought some food on there way home from a nite out, as they walked back to the car, two guys wearing masks ran over to them and began shouting and became very violent, telling him to handover the keys, his mate tried to stop them but the guys punched him to the ground too, after a struggle, the thieves managed to get the keys from my cousin. By this point his mate had called the police, as the thieves got into the S3, they only managed to get about 150yards, by which time the Police arrived on the scene, however they managed to get away from the police, but my cousin made the police aware that the car is fitted with a Tracker, as the thieves knew they could get far they dumped the car, the police recovered the car without any damage within 10 minutes of the incident.


My cousin suffered cracked ribs, broken cheek bone, stitches above his eye. Police said he's very lucky to be alive, if they had weapons they would have gone to any extent to get the car!


The police has confirmed that the thieves are part of a major gang who are steeling cars to order, and also using them for armed robberies!


You hear these kind of stories happening on TV and on crimewatch etc, but never think a member of your family will be a victim!


I hope these facking pricks get what's coming to them... :evil:

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Its disgusting that this is happening, and somehow no one can stop them.


Its happened in Coventry twice now - some guy got his Seat Leon Cupra stolen from him one morning whilst he went to post a letter, and some guy was in the paper recently after getting chased in his Subaru Impreza at 1am - luckily he out performed the chase car, and left them for dead.


Its disgusting.. these low life scumbags are getting more and more prevalant, and its just not on. These crooks seem to think its ok to use violence to get what they want, they need to be punished in the same way. Its the only way they'll learn.

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Thats fecking unbelievable Bally. Sorry to hear about the injuries but glad to know he'll be ok.


It's real scary s*** whats goin on. Need to activate the blackjax facitlity on my alarm but its such a PITA!!

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Cheers for the replies guys...


Easy Amit, it is scary stuff, you don't expect to happen to your own family... :twisted:


I carry a metal bar in my car, cos I can't stand SCUM!! :mad:

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you could be charged with carrying an offensive weapon.

Carry a bat oh and the cops usually ask if your carrying one

'wheres the ball to go with it' keep that in mind.

you would be far better carrying the biggest maglight you can buy :twisted:

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yea life aint safe these days,imagine living in london tho,in some of the tough areas like tottnham,hacney brixton ect. You gotta have your entourage when you drive down the street. Some guy got robed not long ago in tottnham of his new m3,2 ppl got in the car as he was passing by threatend him to gun point drove him to an industrial area beat the hell out of him and left with the car. probably next day that car is in the lorry making its way out of the country. Some other guy got his Rolex stolen as he was siting in his Benltey waiting in traffic.

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Is there any way that I can lock my car via the alarm when I'm in it to stop bastids like that trying something on? I know that with my alarm (Clifford concept 300) I can have it lock the doors when I start the car or put the ignition on but it's a PITA when you want someone to get in or you want to put something in the boot quickly. Can I push a button on the remote with the engine on that will lock/unlock the doors when I choose rather than with the engine on or off? Cheers

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iv got a police telescopic baton in the car as well as a six cell maglite, cant be too careful


i was actually tryin to see if i could lock the car from the inside the other day grim, iv got the manual upstairs. ill have a look and let you know

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Heres a little tip, for an easy way to immobilise your car, my bro-in law has done it to a couple of his cars.


Hook the ignition wire up to a hidden switch; or an inconscpicuous one, like a foglight/rear window heater switch. Then when you wanna start your car, remember to flick the said button.


Most theives wouldnt fumble around pressing the interior switches, even if they've taken your car keys. They'd just be sitting there wondering why the damn thing wont start :lol:


It'll buy you a bit of time to find a nice piece of 2 by 4 to sort em out with :D

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Heres a little tip, for an easy way to immobilise your car, my bro-in law has done it to a couple of his cars.


Hook the ignition wire up to a hidden switch; or an inconscpicuous one, like a foglight/rear window heater switch. Then when you wanna start your car, remember to flick the said button.


Most theives wouldnt fumble around pressing the interior switches, even if they've taken your car keys. They'd just be sitting there wondering why the damn thing wont start :lol:


It'll buy you a bit of time to find a nice piece of 2 by 4 to sort em out with :D


Or they'll get bored and smash the interior up...or torch it just out of devilment.


Let's be honest...I value my life slightly more than my car...if they are prepared to beat you up in full view of others just to get your car keys...they can have the f**king car. It's insured.


Same if they break into your house to get your car keys...I'd rather have to claim for a stolen car than spend some time in the local A&E...or worse.


I'm relatively fortunate that I live on one of the safest areas in the UK for car crime. I also drive a highly modified Nogaro Blue S3....so I am in the high risk group.

I'm not too bothered around my local area...but I'd not fancy a trip to a known high risk area...I'd hire a car rather than risk mine getting nicked or vandalised.

Stupid or what? :?


At the end of the day...these two guys were lucky to get away with relatively minir injuries...and get to keep his car.


If it's a choice between the health / life of me, my family or my friends...or the car? They can have it.


So, you'll not find me with a piece of 4x2 in the car, or a baseball bat...or anything else that is likely to p*ss the thief off...I'd rather walk away with my health intact.


I guess in the heat of the moment however, things may be different.

But, at the end of the day, it's only a car, and it's insured (and those who know me will know how paranoid I am about my cars...)

If it get's nicked and I'm stranded / late getting somewhere...I'll be hacked off, but:

It's better to arrive late for one place, than early for another.


It may well be worth giving that some thougfht...as you just don't know what a masked man has tucked under his jacket....and I personally wouldn't hang about to find out.

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Sorry to hear bout that Bally, hope ur cousins ok.

(hopefully not) but if my car is ever hi jacked, they wont be able to get it started courtesy of the dodgy igntion switch :D

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But, at the end of the day, it's only a car, and it's insured (and those who know me will know how paranoid I am about my cars...)



you paranoid!!! :shock: ......can you imagine the state i can get into about leaving mine in some dodgy areas :shock: ........ok its nowhere near as nice as the nogaro blue S3 that you have but its still my "baby"



luckily up here in Scotland.....well the North-east at any rate this is something that luckily enough isn't a common-day occurance....well not that i've heard of.........but i suppose like most things these days it'll only be a matter of time........especially as we do seem to have quite an alarmingly big drug useage growth compared to other regions in Scotland :shock: ......its just a pity the Police don't seem to make such a big effort to stamp out this sort of thing as they do to speeding drivers etc.....ah well thats my 2p's worth

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Cheers for all your replies and support guys.. :D


I've been made aware by the police about carrying weapons b4.. oh well... :)

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Danger Mouse wrote:

"iv got a police telescopic baton in the car as well as a six cell maglite, cant be too careful "


Get caught with the Asp (Police baton) and they will hang you out to dry !! The maglite is fine though, I've carried a six cell Mag in my cars for years now, only yielded in anger once at a hitch hiker who thought he could persuade me to take him to his destination!! The Mags also very good for illuminating those dark places under car bonnets surprisingly enough!!!!! :D

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I need to invest in a maglite too, got a small one that works a treat for using in the dark, but useless for hitting someone with :lol:

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Time to debadge your cars guys as the thieve's wont know what exact model the car is as most cars stolen to order are very specific model wise it might slow them down.

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The thing to do is get a system with a set of "duress keys". Basically a set of keys that's authentic looking - i.e. they're Audi, or VW genuine keys, that maybe open the car up, but won't let it start. Or maybe they'll let the car start *once* and never again.


If you're held up and asked for the keys when you're not in the car, just hand them over..


They'll drive off in the car, you'll be nice and safe, and when they take the keys out, the car won't start again and will be worthless to them. Of course it will have rung the police for you by this time... :)



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Ive got a nice crook lock in my car never gets used it has one purpose and thats protection, its one of them ones that sits over the handbrake and gear knob, personally i think its usless cos all u need to do to get it off is unscrew the gear knob, but police aint gonna say out if they pull me.

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The thing to do is get a system with a set of "duress keys". Basically a set of keys that's authentic looking - i.e. they're Audi, or VW genuine keys, that maybe open the car up, but won't let it start. Or maybe they'll let the car start *once* and never again.


If you're held up and asked for the keys when you're not in the car, just hand them over..


They'll drive off in the car, you'll be nice and safe, and when they take the keys out, the car won't start again and will be worthless to them. Of course it will have rung the police for you by this time... :)



Or you could just have anti car jack like the clifford black jaxx that allows them to drive the car to a safe distance then shuts the car down alarms blazing.


It basically works on Revs and time, about 30 seconds and 1500 revs and it triggers the system. Only draw back is that if the car doesn't slow down it wont shutdown. (having tried the system out) it waits for the engine revs to drop before shutting it off so the car is not at speed when it happens

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Thanks for the replies guys, he's glad there was a tracker fitted to the car, but after the incident he's decided to sell the car...

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handing the keys over is obviously the safest thing to do but it has to be said as long as people keep handing the keys over this type of incident will just grow and grow.

nobody ever knows what they would do when faced with the situation until it happens and even then a lot of factors would probably affect your decision.



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Oh, this stuff will never stop. The problem is car security is now so good that they're targeting the easiest thing - the owner. Point a knife at the owner and he'll give you the keys (if he knows what's good for him). You could spend hours trying to neutralise a modern complex alarm system otherwise. No-brainer. Every so often you might come across a guy who's smart enough and strong enough to outwit you, but 90% of the time it's a walk in the park.


The only way to make this go away is to *remove* the security systems and let people steal cars the old fashioned way...

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