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DIY Schrik, is this possible?

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Forgive me posing this question but I've read the GB with interest regarding the Schrik but having just about finished building back up the top end of my VR I started wondering.....is it purely an equal length/ un-restricted air flow that gives the increase in performance from the Schrik.

That being the case then would it not be possible to replicate this using tubing to give a similar pattern and even ceramic coating the thing to overcome heat transfer.


Sorry if I've missed something real fundamental here, but I am more than willing to start fab on this if that's my main criteria to getting these to work for alot less than 800 quid.

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Theoretically it sounds like a doddle.


Reality, a lot of research and science will have gone into the Schrick manifolds development and id be very suprised if its quality could be duplicated on DIY job.


If you do manage it and they are less than 800 notes then i think you could make yourself a lot of money.

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Could be done with a little research, fluid dynamics, sonic/pressure wave calculations, and a well equipped fabrications shop. Equal length is one thing, but get the wrong length, and you could and up far worse than without it. Pretty much anything custom in engineering ceramics is going to get expensive too............ Could be a fun project though!

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It needs to be variable like the schrick though doesnt it??


You could mimick the initial inlet length and get a dollop more low down torque but if it wasnt variable the top end would be pants, and vice versa? That hows i thought it worked anyway and thats how modern 24v (inherantly un torquey motors like 16vs) get there torque spread, by continuously variable inlet lengths?


Mind you, a lot of these short runner manis for FI VR6s are surposed to give no torque without FI due to being very short inlet length, but Kev found no problem with his, or very little drop, so you may be able to create a more torque overall set-up if thats what your after?

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Cheers for the feedback guys, yeah I guess it's the variable element that is gonna screw up my idea. I suppose if it was just a case of tube fabrication alone I wouldn't have been the first to arrive at the idea. Ah well, time to save up the notes for a VF then.

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