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Son of a Beesting

Part numbers needed

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I am changing the thermostat and I have the housing (the bit where the 3 temp senders go into) and the thermostat o-ring.


Can someone tell me the part numbers for the following. The strange shaped seal the attaches the housing to the block, the lower part of the thermostat housing, the other part of the thermostat housing (if that makes sense). And lastly the water transfer pipe (with the drain pipe in).


Also what are the parts numbers for new bolts as the old ones are corroded. Also any other seals apart from the 2 I have already mentioned?


I am also after the part numbers for 2 new seals for the black and yellow temp senders please.


I hope this makes sense.


Thanks guys

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Oh yeah i forgot. My year is a 1993 if that makes any difference??


Also if I got an oil cooler would I need a different type of water transfer pipe (or a crack pipe as I believe it is sometimes refered to).


Thanks for that joebloggsVR69,

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