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few Boost return kit Q's please?

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yeah it will. gwerks keep half the boost return piping now and run it off at a filter. keeps the noise down by half apparently.

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yeah it will. gwerks keep half the boost return piping now and run it off at a filter. keeps the noise down by half apparently.


Yeah, I've got one of those systems - drastically cuts down on the noise.

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Time to revive an old topic... I've got the same ebay kit on my G60 and had a play with the adjustment as described on the rather porrly written instructions. Maybe it was just my butterfly linkage but it is NOT easy to remove, and takes a lot of wrestling with pliers and screwdrivers in a rather tight space! I've wound it right in and the noise is certainly louder. Done it more out of curiosity than anything else and I'm not sure how long the novelty of noise will last till I put it back. Pardon my ignorance but what exactly am I changing by altering this linkage, and is it likely to shorten the life of any parts if I leave it like this?

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mines adjusted about half way. If its adjusted too much the charger will be boosting against a closed plate and prob blow the seals.

Mine seemed to boost up more aggressively but i only adjusted 1 part of the linkage

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I've only adjusted one end of the linkage too, but it's wound in quite a long way. Is it still likely to blow seals or is that just if both ends are done to the max?

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