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Horrible rattling, any clues? VR6, PROBLEM FOUND, NOT

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Just to rule this out, please check the alternator bearing, i.e. is there any movement in the pulley? If there is, the blades will catch the alternator case and cause a tin type sound.

Good luck


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The AC on the VR don't have blades on like G60's ect,but I know the noise you on about.


Try pull off the belt and run the engine to eliminate and drive noises.


Does it run lumpy? Is it from engine and not gearbox? Possible chain noise?


There could be endless possibilities,but only you can hear the noise mate and all of us have to guess.

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I'd wip the sump off and replace the oilpump!!! Think they're about £120 from the dealers... and see if it takes the noise away...


I reckon the pump is knack'd... although your not actually losing oil pressure it could be stuggling to work and on its last legs...

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I think that sound is similar to the noise my waterpump made when it died. It is hard to tell from the recording but my pump sounded like someone had chucked some nuts & bolts in a tin can and was shaking it!!


How old/new is the pump?


How about putting a screwdriver on the engine components and listening to the other end? It may help to pin point where the noise is coming from.

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^ yeah my main water pump made a nasty noise when it went, I thought at the time it was chain tensioner etc. Take the belt off and see if the noise is still there.

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Thanks for the suggestions guys


I have already run it with the belt off to rule out the accessories as I thought this may have been the initial cause (after the supercharger)


The water pump isn't that old anyway and the p/s pump, alternator and a/c pump all run smoothly.


I am considering the oil pump as an option, especially due to the sump damage.



part no : 323440400


£93.91 + p&p + vat = £110.34


Not the cheapest option, but an option none the less!

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before i go spending wads of cash on replacement parts I have ordered a mechanics stethascope to try and get a better idea of the exact location of the noise.


Only a few quid and could well save me hundreds of £ in unnecessary parts!


At least then I can weigh up the cost implications before I have to have the car towed somewhere if I can't do the work myself.


Alternatively, if all else fails I am considering getting a mobile mechanic out to let them have a listen and see if they have any ideas, obviously paying them for their time but without the expense of taking the C to a local garage.


Ideally I would somehow get the car back up to shropshire (where i had all the recent major work done) as they are the only real place I know that I can trust with the VR6. Unless anyone knows of a good garage in London that is reasonable and honest?

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It wont hurt changing the Oil pump as although they are not a common fault with VR6's they slightly wear with high miles and just slightly under perform..


I was told this by a VR6 mad head... that knows them inside out!!! He's gonna be doing my chains and stuff when they eventually need doing and he's advised me to defo replace it.....


It would be something you'll be able to do yourself too :)

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Ok, i have plumbed in the oil pressure guage (off a t-piece from the top of the oil filter where the oil pressure sensors are)


Car is making 10-12psi oil pressure at idle but when revved the pressure does not really increase at all, so this leads me to believe that the oil pump is shot.


The noise is more than likely the cams and chain rattling around as there isn't enough oil pressure to effectively reach the top end of the engine.


Hopefully as I haven't really run it and haven't driven it since the noise started then I have caught it before too much damage has been done.


Only way to tell is to fit a new pump and cross my fingers!

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Right, new pump is ordered, along with a sump gasket from Euro Car Parts - £133 all in.


May not be able to fit until the weekend though, so another week of worry for me!! :-(

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Cold idle pressure should be 4 bar, and 2 bar when hot....so yep your pump is goosed.


I listened to that noise with Vince last week and neither of us had a clue!

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Hey Kev, wondered when you would pop up!


I am just preying that I haven't done any permanent damage running with low oil pressure, only time will tell I suppose. I have asked for a quote for a bottom end rebuild anyway, so I will weigh up my options when I get that back.


p.s is a new sump a VAG only part?, as I can't find anywhere on the net that will do a new one. Any idea on price, as I know a few of the Vortech boys bought new sumps for tapping the oil lines.

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To be honest, now i have hammered the crap out of it, it looks ok.


I will probably leave it for now (as long as it doesn't leak!)

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Go the new pump and gasket.


Looking forward to the autopsy on the old one to see how (or if) it failed.


Probably won't be till the weekend now, which is a pain (due to doing all my repairs on the kerbside + lack of light).

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Ok plans are:


A) Get 80mm pulley for the charger


B) Put the rotrex back on


C) Install new recirc valve to replace the Bailey DV24 - too noisy at the moment, tired of the psst psst psst. So is my girlfriend.


D) Plumb in the Mocal. Radiator is on just need to fit the rest.


E) Fit the decat pipe


F) Fit cooler platinum Bosch plugs


G) Get Blue Igniter leads.


H) Possibly get uprated sytec fuel pump


So, lots to do!

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15+ psi was causing too much knocking


Storm Developments say that the 75mm pulley I have is too small.


80mm will deliver 10-12psi which is good for 310bhp


If I do more mods then I can switch back to the smaller pulley.


Just to be on the safe side - 300bhp is more than enough for me!

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