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Son of a Beesting

Stupid question about cleaning engine when replacing units

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This is a stupid question I know, but I am currently replacing a lot of cooling parts and installing a oil cooler.


Where the parts go into engine and its a bit rusty (ie where the water pipe goes into the block and oil cooler) should I clean it up when putting the new parts on to get a better seal, ie remove the rust? What should I use, wire wool etc?



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I think that i know what you mean.


I always replace them with new ones (if not expensive) or just clean them up with a copper brush, like the ones you use to clean the spark plugs. Using a brush like this one won´t offend the parts. :)

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Thanks for the kongo127, for the response.


I didnt think I had made myself very clear, I have got new parts, its the areas on the engine itself that I was talking about (ie the area that you mount the thermostat onto, the oil cooler etc).


I think I will just have a go with wire wool to clean the areas on the engine up then mount the new parts on them.



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