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G60 Dreams

G60 Amateur... Help With Timing alignments

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To say I am an Amateur will properly insult a lot amateurs, but I do need some help.


I have had my early 91 G60 for 12 months and I have finally found the time to fix those little issues that we all have. The thread on the Alternator and engine bracket have been knackered by previous owner, I have sourced replacement parts and have gone about fitting them. (not such a little issue as I am fast finding out!).


During this process I had to remove the Cam belt to get at the bolts. This is the bad bit while I was putting the belt back on the timing drives slipped. I am now trying to re-align all the timing. There is a lower protective plate that I need to get off to reveal the timing drive for the Distributor. There is a pulley that is holding the plate on, it has 4 small bolts and one big centre bolt. I can not get it off, tried everything!!!


Questions is… how do I get this pulley/plate off? Should I take it off? or do I need to align the distributor drive any way?


Sorry if this really stupid, but hope someone can help.

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Hi m8,


The crank bolts are very tight...

ideally the crank pully and the water pump pully need to come off to align the intermediate shaft.


But ive never bothered...what you can do is just loosley place the belt around the pullies with the lower cover still in place,and just point the rotor arm at the notch in the dizzy housing.Do this while your other marks are lined up.(camshaft and crankshaft)






If you were to remove the crank bolt,its a case of a long extension stuck out past the wing and a long bar for leverage,you will need to stop the engine turning over by any means you can.Either 1st gear and someone hard on the brakes or jamming the flywheel,This can stress the clutch springs though.


And once the crank bolt is removed,its advisable to replace it with a new one.Either the uprated G60 one or one from a mk1 gti along with the washer too.



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The pictures bring back terrible memories of my first encounter of G60 timing :lol:


Ps:There is actually a hole in the lower cambelt cover to line up the intermediate shaft...but its near on impossible to see when the crank pully is fitted. :roll:


You can split the pully by removing the 4 allen headed bolts but they can seize on there pretty tightly.



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