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I'm exhausted!

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finally, got me a nice shiny pipe! done by the lads at A.A.S in newburn, newcastle. Pleased with it so far, it sounds lovely! just a nice rumbly burble at tickover and when you're driving 'properly' but bloody loud 'BWAAAAARP!' when you boot it 8)


I'd deffinatly recomend A.A.S to anyone in the north east area, they took my car in at 8am, and worked on it right through til 11.30pm on a friday night just to get it 'perfect' for me, cost me £330 all in and its well worth it.






A.A.S (advanced automotive systems ltd) 0191 2673718

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nice one that looks good and i bet it does sound lovely thats not a bad price either...... :D

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they said the front end was a nightmare! some big double spring thingy wouldnt come off for ages, so the next one they do might cost a little more ;)

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looks nice,thinking about changing mine as the magnex is a bit quiet :D


What model Corrado do you have ??


I've got a Magnex on my G60 (4 months old). It has a low rumble at idle which increases with engine speed upto around 2.5k, from then on it's as loud as f**k... :rambo:

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vr6,cant really hear the exhaust over the induction kit


Good point - maybe that's why my G60 is so loud - nice BIG induction kit.

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pardon my ignorance :oops:


im going to be changing the standard exhaust on my G60 in the next six months hopefully.


What kind of exhaust is that?


Want to keep it small but still with a nice (yet non-nova boy) sounding roar



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its all an illusion! it's suffering from pink syndrome quite badly, and it's been t-cut that many times by previous owners that doing it again would most likely take it back to bare metal!

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its all an illusion! it's suffering from pink syndrome quite badly, and it's been t-cut that many times by previous owners that doing it again would most likely take it back to bare metal!


OMG!!! :shock:


well goodluck with it mate :wink:

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