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The state of roads in London.

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Its a fucking outrage. Anywhere between Wandworth and Brixton the roads look like they've been carpet bombed:mad: But thats a whole other thread.


Anyways i hit this pot hole with the front left in my VR6 and now under medium heavy acceleration or braking theres a knocking/clunk sound. What have done. My intuition tells me it might be the anti-roll bar. If not what else could it be. Is there anyway i can diagnose this myself. Iv got quite a small amout of mechinical nous but im not sure what im looking for. Any help would be really appreciated.



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i feel your pain dirtysanta, thats where i am..


cant help you with working out what it is but never thought my average speed would actually go down when i bought a car with twice as much power as my last one.....

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Its not just London.


I just hit an ENORMOUS pothole near where I work when I was out on my lunch. Don't know if its just psychological but my steering feel really knacked now.. :|

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I actually find the average road in London isn't that bad for potholes, its the big old depressions in the road caused by buses that annoy me, i've now got huge pecs from fighting the tramlining. I used to live in Southampton and the roads round there were diabolical. Now I live just south of Brixton, the roads aren't too bad.

I think the problem is the sheer volume of traffic, once a pothole appears it rapidly grows into a quarry sized hole.

Short of getting under the car and pulling things till you find out what's banging I dunno what to suggest. But it sounds like maybe a bush has gone?

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I used to live in Southampton and the roads round there were diabolical.

Couldn't agree more!!! Absolutely shocking the roads in this city! It's bad enough in the 306, but when im in the VR, it's a case of quite literally keeping your eye on the road to try and avoid damaging the car...

Still, it's nice to know that they're spending a bit of money for a fancy laser show that nobody's really bothered about...

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