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The good, the bad and autoglass

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Had a second windscreen fitted by autoglass coupla weeks ago as they bodged the first. Now i have a whistling screen and a wet carpet :mad: .


As the 'repair' is guaranteed for life, they will not refund my excess to a second company, but say i just have to keep trying Autoglass until they get it right?! (not feking likely).


Can anyone recommend a quality fitters in the cambridge area?

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What car is it? - you want to watch water getting near the ABS ECU...


Are they using a VW screen (SEKURIT)? - If it's a Pilkington demand a proper one!


TBH = I would go down there and get another fitter to do it - it's not a difficult job for someone with experince of bonded screens just more tricky than modern cars.

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I had major issues with my Autoglass replacement windscreen (search if interested). They bodged and damaged several internal panels, used superglue to hold down rubber seals that were badly fitted, snapped the scuttle panel etc etc. Monkeys. Even the second one they fitted after I complained is not a perfect job.

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IT's a 2.0 16v, tbh i dont want to give them another chance to annoy me. Their attitude was a screen is a screen is a screen when i asked for a sekurit. Will probably cut my losses and go the hole punch route and give RAC a try :brickwall:


Still, off to stealth tomorrow, happy days!

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I had similar problems with a non genuine screen. Two pattern screens later and the problems were stiil there. All was OK in the end when they gave in and fitted a VAG one.

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Are they using a VW screen (SEKURIT)? - If it's a Pilkington demand a proper one!

:shock: I didnt realise they used different ones.....mines never been quite right since Autofarce done mine a few months ago. They've already been back 2wice to refit the strip along the top, and now ive noticed that wind noise has increased and my car gets "fogged up" in the mornings a lot more as well...... :mad:

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swfblade, just look at the writing on it... I've got a Pilkington (New Zealand) in my TDI and it's got a big flat spot that the wipers miss...

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well it looks like I do have a SEKURIT screen. There's some other writing before, but didnt pay any attention to that. But tbh the install is a bit tat anyway. It just doesnt "look" right. the part where the side bits mate up with the top strip. On one side it isnt even touching the strip, looks like its peeling away, and also looks like some of the bonding stuff is filling the gap in a big glob!! :(


I think its time for a phone call tomorrow.......

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