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M15 VW

Another Rant From A Female Dubber.......

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There's one near monmouth (I think) that I went to when i first got the car, and they were pretty good. can't remember what i bought but bloke said "whatever change is in your pocket, i'll take it" for what i was buying, bargain!


Was quite handy aswell.

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well finally got everything on our list yesterday. oly took 3 trips. They couldnt process our refund on some of the parts we took back though as he needed to speak to the original guy who served us who has left. So we are waiting for a call today ffs

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Do you expect him to telepathically know which of the two he should be talking to? I expect a fair few couples come in together and probably 99% of the time its the gentleman thats after something. Its the total opposite in places like the bodyshop where they look to the lady first, and anyway it sucks more for lads cause always give me the bill at a bar/cinema/restaraunt etc?

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so why not just say "can I help you?" instead of ignore the female and saying "can I help you sir?".


they may give you the bill but who actually pays for it?

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Ah the memories of a discount at the stealers.


As my new stealer is the smallest one in the world (maybe) then I don't get a discount anymore :(


It's not the parts manager, he is a really nice bloke and a proper petrolhead, it's just he gets an earful off the accountants if he gives a discount to anyone who is not a VAT registered business. (Although a few of us are looking to set up a business front just to get a discount)

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Respect - but women can't drive! ...... haha, only kidding; just most of them can't park for diddly. Total respect to all Corrado female owners.



Talk about getting ripped off. 3 weeks ago my mate got some new tyres and I tested the tread depths; whilst at it I decided to check my gf's tyres too. As they had been swapped front to back, they all had 3 to 4mm on them.

Then last week she got an awkward puncture and took it to the local (cos driving 6mile into Cov and getting the same tyre £10 cheaper just wasn't an option - huh) garage. There they fitted the new tyre.

Then they mentioned the other tyres, to which the gf said well can you do me a deal on them, to which they said ok, £5 off each one. But I'd buy them now because your tyres are really low on tread and "have about 120 mile life left" in them. She said she needed to think about it.


Im still fuming mad about it now and in two minds about going down there. Its total robbery. He was basically saying you only get less than 900 miles out of a set of tyres. Cheeky fekker - its only a 1.5 deisel; not a 911, the fronts have another 10,000 mile left in them and the rears will last ages and ages.

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Respect - but women can't drive! ...... haha, only kidding; just most of them can't park for diddly. Total respect to all Corrado female owners.


er.... trust me on this mate, this is one female that certainly can drive and park. Proven on many occasions when leaving many a male driver trailing behind her.


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grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fecking dealers again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Peanut will explain in a bit)

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Just got a call from the garage thats doing the headgasket and it turns out that the firking headbolts are wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luckily he's a mate and managed to source the right ones for later this afternoon.....but really!!

Cannot beleive how inept that damn dealership is!!! Nikki's phoning them now or else id lose my temper and go visiting for a career chat. Fuming is a minor undersatement!!!!!


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Nikki's phoning them now or else id lose my temper and go visiting for a career chat. Fuming is a minor undersatement!!!!!



And that's the better option? :lol:


can see it now, Wanted: Parts technician who can take a beating from a girl and not cry... Apply local VW Dealers... :rofl:

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And that's the better option? :lol:


mood im in at the moment, yes. I seem to be bad luck personified. All that bolox about silver linings and clouds etc is tosh.


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Social anthropology 101: - In a group of people, the most approachable, friendly looking person always gets addressed by the third party first.



hee hee. I will gladly prove this too :)


Sounds like a challenge to me. If you think you and your car can handle a race across the B660 through cambridgeshire, let me know.


M15 VW versus a few blokes? Who's up for it? She's thrown the gauntlet down, come on guys......

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er.... trust me on this mate, this is one female that certainly can drive and park. Proven on many occasions when leaving many a male driver trailing behind her.



I trust no-one.


I seriously cannot be arsed with banter either. It was a jokingly made comment expecting female response and laughter... I also retracted teh comment, having know so decent women too. Should you have read any of my rant threads some years back you'll know I hate men/chavs just as much as middle-aged-mum-4x4 drivers.


Kev - lets have it :lol:

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I trust no-one.


I seriously cannot be arsed with banter either. It was a jokingly made comment expecting female response and laughter... I also retracted teh comment, having know so decent women too. Should you have read any of my rant threads some years back you'll know I hate men/chavs just as much as middle-aged-mum-4x4 drivers.


Kev - lets have it :lol:


Groan...er wtf? i was replying on nikki's behalf as i happened to see the post. If you dont want a reply why bother making the comment in the first place. I hardly asked for you to be drawn and quartered merely stating as i have on many other threads over the past few years that Nikki is a damn good driver. If complimenting my other half on being a genuinely good driver is a problem for you then im sorry but tough.


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:lol: yeh, unfortunately no one lives down our way :roll:


oh balls ive got no chance in keeping up with you now you got a charger... :oops:

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:lol: yeh, unfortunately no one lives down our way :roll:


oh balls ive got no chance in keeping up with you now you got a charger... :oops:


yeh right, you always cheat anyway! :lol: :-P

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i was replying on nikki's behalf

why bother?

Congratulations on having a better half, as most of them cant be said as being "better" (for the driving element that is) - its a rare thing, cherish it. Theres a lass near us that me and my 'mate' take notice of at times as she drives a 944 reasonably well; I can see my mates mind going into overdrive... poor lads smitten

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:lol: bless

Peanut replies on my behalf sometimes as I cant always get to a computer. No harm done.

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After all the other stuff and the garage guy finding out they gave me the wrong head bolts another branch of dealership have fecked up again!!!!!!!!!


They told the garage guy that the chain tensioner would be with him this morning. guess what...it didnt turn up!!!!


He called them and they said they dont have it. They should get it tomorrow and it should be with him tomorrow too! Would they actually have bothered telling him if he didnt call up?!


so Zed is now taking up one of his ramps and has no engine or box in him! Poor Guy. There is nothing we can do but wait for the stealership AGAIN!!!!!!!!


Im getting rather pissed off with them now.


Also the cheque they were supposed to be sending me regarding the first lot of items they got wrong......well I got a message on my answermachine saying that it is waiting there for me to collect! ER WHY?! I told them on friday that I wanted them to send that cheque and then when I get the bolts when I pick Zed up ill take that in for another refund. The guy says "oh, I understood differently" How?! I went through it with you you fucktard and asked if that was possible!



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