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tonytiger's Dark Burgundy VR6 (updated 28th Feb '05)

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Wanted one of these for ages to replace my Scirocco but didn't want to pay silly money. Finally managed to get this one on Friday. Haven't had a chance to clean it yet but thought I'd post some pics anyway. It's a '93 in Dark Burgundy Pearl.

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Looks good... nice 'n original (for now, eh)


Your scirocco (in the background) looks sweet as well mate. Are you keeping it as well?

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I'd been looking for one for a few months this time (did look a couple of years ago but couldn't find anything worth the money being asked). Most of the ones that interested me this time were too far for me to travel.


Didn't want to pay a fortune for a perfect one with very low miles or mods either as I do 80 miles a day just getting to work and back - but this one's ideal, it's a good standard car.


I'm not planning any mods at the moment - need to see how that fuel economy goes first.


Dazzyvr6, yes, it is a lot different to the 'rocco - brakes that work, suspension, performance, power steering... I could go on but you get the idea :)


Dan, once the vr6 is serviced and in daily use I'll be getting rid of the 'rocco - it's still good even with 152k, but it just has to go.


I expect I'll be asking some rather basic questions in the other forums very soon....

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Sweet mate, I was after a VR6, but as I do 130miles a day, I went for the 16v for now... goodluck with it.. :D

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Didn't want to pay a fortune for a perfect one with very low miles or mods either as I do 80 miles a day just getting to work and back - but this one's ideal, it's a good standard car.




if you're doing that sort of miles a day i would strongly suggest you keep yer rocco and use that for the daily commute.........as much as the C VR should take that sort of miles in its stride......your fuel bill will be keeping shell in business :wink:

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For the time being at least, I want the VR to be a daily driver (though I may change my mind once I see the mpg I get :wink: ) so the 'rocco will go.


Bally, people think I'm mad doing 80miles a day, but 136? - you must be completely off your trolley! :lol:

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Well, I've had the VR for over 6 months now and done over 13k miles in it, so thought it was time for some fresh pics.

Nothing significantly different - clear side repeaters, new n/s headlamp (not cheap are they), new n/s fog lamp (they're not cheap either) and indicator, new front grill, new VW badges front and back and Lupo wipers. Oh and I actually washed and poslished the car before these photos.


Would like some clear/red inpro or fk rear lights too as I'm sure that would make the car look much better but they'll have to wait until much later in the year when I might have some spare cash again.

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Finally got a set of speedlines refurbished. Bought a spare set of wheels over 6 months ago but never got round to getting them sorted until now. Took them to Romax in Stockton - cost £140 for the refurb and they've turned out very well. Cost another £20 at a local tyre fitters to get the tyres switched from the wheels that were on the car to this set. Car looks much better now without tatty wheels on it (just need to get it washed again).


Also put the new centre caps on that I bought from toXXin. Just need to get a full set of caps for the bolts now, which I'll order this week.

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Well it's been a while since I updated this thread, but as it's 4 years ago yesterday since I bought it, I thought it was about time.


No new pictures at the moment - mainly because the car could really do with a little attention on the bodywork, but it will have to wait until next year. And that's because of all the other things that have been done in the past expensive year(ish).


June '06 was a terrible month for the car - first of all the heater matrix went while I was on the motorway, but luckily there was only a little steam so I could still see (though as it started coming out of the instrument panel/steering column I though it was smoke and on fire at first!). Matrix was bypassed by the RAC man, and as it was summer I wasn't too worried.


A couple of days later, after driving 'fairly quickly' I could hear a rattling / clanking sound and it didn't sound good - noticed the oil temp was showing 135.... :shock:


Car continued to drive, but sounded terrible - diagnosis was a problem of some kind in the bottom end. :( At that time, and as car done had 160k miles, it seemed like a good idea just to replace the engine with a lower mileage s/h unit, rather than rebuild - and as a garage would be doing it - probably a cheaper option overall too.


So, car was taken of the road for a while to sort this out - ended up being off the road longer than expected - mainly due to the garage where I always had my work done closing unexpectedly.


Still, eventually found a localish garage prepared to do the work but it didn't go quite as I planned. Of course, with the engine out I obviously had the clutch done at the same time, but there were numerous other unexpected expenses too - the original radiator disintegrated, the slave cylinder wouldn't bleed, the bonnet wouldn't open and the cable had to be cut (apparently), the battery was dead (apparently), igntion leads needed replacing, etc. Also with the exhaust off the car I could see it wasn't in a good state, so had that replaced too. To make matters worse, when testing the newly installed engine there was a misfire that they couldn't track down for a while, so spent hours trying to sort out (and for a while I thought I'd bought a duff engine). Eventually it was all sorted though and I had the car back :D but still needed to sort out the heater matrix :(


And I was a bit depressed by now, to say the least. Estimate for engine swap was around £400 in labour, but in the end including *some* parts (I provided the new clutch, radiator, bonnet handle and cable, and exhaust) it cost over £1200 (actually might be closer to £1400 - I think I've tried to block it from my mind!).


So, adding on the cost of the engine and other parts, it was probably over £2,200 - double what I'd expected. I could have cried - especially as the week I got the car back somebody on here was selling a similar mileage VR with leather, in what seemed to be really good nick, for just £2k.


Anyway, I then replaced the heater matrix and front wiper linkage, and finally thought about getting it back into daily use - until I realised the aux water pump was leaking. So replaced that too - what's another £70-ish anyway! Also realised that the garage had broken one of the headlight fixings - presumably when releasing the bonnet - more expense :mad:


Oh yes, nearly forgot to mention - I'd had the front jacked up for something (can't remember what now) and when I lowered it back down again a front spring broke. Damn, I thought (or words to that effect).


Finally though, it was back in daily use - though I was listening for every sound expecting something to go wrong! But it didn't - well not straight away...


After using it for a few weeks it developed a vibration at the front somewhere, which got worse and worse - I couldn't see anything obviously wrong, and thought there must be a problem with the hub, or driveshaft. So, after buying a suitable selection of spare parts, including a big breaker bar to release the hub nut, to cover the possible problems I started work to fix the problem. Chocked the wheels, big breaker bar and socket on the hub nut and went to apply much force to remove it - and nearly did myself a nasty injury! The hub nut wasn't tight! :shock: Bloody garage! So, tightened it up and sure enough - problem solved!


Then everything was pretty much okay after.


A couple of new tyres, and then, MOT time! Really wasn't sure what to expect this year, but amazingly, and for the first time (probably the first time on any car I've ever owned) it passed first time!!


A few months later (July) it developed a squeeling sort of a noise which was in the area of the aux belt - and I had a bit of a panic that it was the main water pump. Not wanting to risk any cooling problems I replaced the pump (breaking the front engine mount in the process), but it turned out not to be that. So then I replaced the belt tensioner (which I should have done in the first place) and that solved the problem.


Since then everything has been okay (apart from the water pump pulley coming loose - oops). Car's now done over 175k miles and will hopefully keep going for a good while yet.


So, that's it for now. Hopefully next year I'll be able to get the paintwork sorted - and then I can take some more photos!

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