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Dodgy Clutch

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Hi all,


The clutch on my 'rado has a low biting pont and recently l have had to remove the floormat to get it pressed properly. There is no slipping from the clutch but it makes it kangarooish when turning in car parks. Does this sound like the clutch on the way out? I know its hydraulic so there is no chance of adjusting it. What l want to know is should l replace the clutch (pricey!!) or is it the slave master cylinder that is the culprit? Any advice would be great.




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My feeling would be it's a hydraulic problem if the bite point is dropping to the floor, rather than the clutch wearing out. That would be shown with slipping when accelerating and you've got the clutch fully up.

Does it get better if you "pump" the clutch pedal? Would be worth getting the slave cylinder bled.

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Yep, sounds hydrolic, most likely the slave, check for fluid leak on top of the gearbox and keep an eye on the resevoir as they leak internally at first... should be £28 from dealer (partsclub price)

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Stealth fitted a plastic slave cylinder to mine, not sure if VW have gone over to plastic yet but it solves the problem of the piston not returning back to the start of the bore when a new clutch is fitted.



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try to bleed the system. if pressure returns for a short while its the cylinders.


replace the slave first. mine was about 35 quid from ECP for original part.


this is the trickiest one to replace.


if that fails replace then replace the master.


be careful with the brass line connections as they aint that strong.


get a proper prake spanner type thingy

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All dealer replacement clutch slave cylinders are plastic bodied items as of the last two years.

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I had my system bleed a little, and it seemed to help make my shifts smoother, but I still have to push the clutch almost all the way to the floor to get smooth shifts. Any ideas on what the problem could be? Cheers.

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