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Who's is that lovely corrado in PVW??

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Why its mine! 8)


Had a nice surprise when flicking through this months PVW today to find some pics of my car to advertise the red rear stickers from Empire GFX.


Im well chuffed even though the pics are small, its still a good feeling. Just need a full feature one day now 8) :lol:

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Nice one man, was the first thing i saw when i opened it up a couple of mins ago!! :D


Yeah same here, just glanced over the first few pages then happened to turn straight to the page its on and thought 'thats a corrado ... thats MY corrado!' :lol:

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congrats :) feels good doesnt it :)


It sure does and thats only a few small pics, it doesnt actually say anything about my car :lol:


I will have a full feature one day, would be a good title if i got it in this year: "Student buys standard corrado and turns it into a show car in his gap year!" :lol:

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Nice one mate ......u deserve a feature with that fine looking c u have :mrgreen:


Cheers mate :D hopefully when its a been smoothed a a bit and has the charger fitted and maybe new seats etc it will be good enough for a feature! Just time and money though!

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Nice one mate ......u deserve a feature with that fine looking c u have :mrgreen:


Cheers mate :D hopefully when its a been smoothed a a bit and has the charger fitted and maybe new seats etc it will be good enough for a feature! Just time and money though!


I got a feature in Golf+, ok so its not PVW but you dont need to do as much as you think cos the camera trickery can make even the ropiest cars look good.


Take a look at mine as example.

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beats the one of mine which was used when there was a write up on broken sunroofs :lol:


When was that must have missed that one and my sunroof is broke too?

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herisites, bought the mag today and recognised it straight away...car looks so nice! good job!

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Ah good work buddy. While everyone's complimenting you I thought I'd say your C's looking rather lovely in your sig pic at the moment too 8)

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