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PVS corrado?

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Err yea thats me,have you seen my car then?


Yep, and it's a beauty!! Looks soooo much better on the LMs.......absolutely stunning!!! :wink:



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I'm not sure how to post pictures,but i could email them to someone to post.any offers?


Save them from the pc, then upload them, or PM me and I'll try to sort them out for yah.. :wink:


Is the black Mk4 golf yours Gary?

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Cheers for showin us that lovely golf...saw it at inters, VERY NICE! I'll say hi to lee sometime then.


Dalj- i'll give sns a call soon...and i'll do that homebase cloths ail trick too! cheers for that one mate, so when you comin down northants again?! i need to see your golf...after your new rims go on :p .

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